Page 15 - Cornice_Grade 9
P. 15

                                                                                  D E S C R I B I N G   A   P E R S O N

                                           Someone I know

                                                  By: Savar Dixit

               Throughout our lives we encounter thousands of people. Such interactions carry the potential to
               change the course of our lives to great extents. However, most of our exchanges with others only
               last a moment. Even so, there are some we meet and hold dear to us; for me my grandfather fills
               that role.

               Prof. Dr. Hemang Mani Dixit is a pediatrician of Nepal. He obtained his education and extensive
               knowledge from outside Nepal and was the first pediatrician to do so. However, this is just how
               most people know him; being his grandson, I know him as more than just a doctor. Dr. Hemang,
               or Baba to me, carries his degree and honor always second to family. He may be short in stature

               but is big at heart and though his thinning gray hair is telling of his age, his fun-loving and pure
               personality is one that is not dissimilar to one of a child's. My grandfather is the kind person who
               believes you must help whoever you can, whenever you can. But as they say, “No good deed
               goes unpunished.” And my grandfather's experience is one good example for that very metaphor.

               It was early in the morning, Baba got ready for work by
               wearing  his  favorite  shirt  for  a  special  day.  He  got  on
               board  his  golden-bronze  suzuki  zen  with  his  driver  and
               left for his brother's house before getting to work. As they
               took a left from outside the alley, he saw some suspicious
               men having a scuffle right in the corner. He didn't think
               much  of  it  at  the  time  but  little  did  he  know  that  those
               men  would  change  his  life  forever.  They  carried  on
               driving and turned the corner to the slope of Baneshwor

               when he heard two ear-splitting bangs and shatters. Baba,
               looking  as  cool  as  a  cucumber,  asked  his  driver,  "Ram,
               did  something  happen?  What  was  that  sound?"  Ram
               looked at him with a pale face and started driving at crazy
               speed. Baba looked down to see his shirt stained with his
               blood and was a bit sad for a meager couple of seconds until the severity of the situation hit him.
               He had been shot! He finally understood why Ram was driving like a madman, why they missed
               the turn to their destination, why they were now heading to the hospital. “Everything else was a
               blur," he said later. He woke up in the ICU with his wife, my grandmother, by his side. He had

               Baba found out it was a planned and organized attack. The man wished to collect 3 crore rupees
               from the college and made the decision to target a high ranking staff member to accomplish this.
               Unfortunately, that person was my grandfather. But despite all attempts, I am happy that my
               grandfather defied death with bravery and strong will power. He even wrote a book about it but
               regrettably, he still lost his favorite shirt that day.
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