Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 6


           When you see their cheerful smile,
           Their bright eyes,
           Their dark hair moving along the wind,                            Poems, expressing their delight
           As they slightly push it back.                                    and sorrows of life.
           What a delight it is,
           When you see that one person,
           You adore the most.
           When you look into their eyes
           And realize how mesmerizing they are!
                                                                        The Fading Twilight
           What a delight it is,

                                                                        How delightful it is in the morning,
           What a delight it is,
           To watch his hands move,                                     When the twilight leaves the door.
                                                                        Then the birds' chirps break the silence,
           Swiftly on his guitar strings
           As it contrasts,                                             Of the forest's ferny floor, and,
           With his husky voice.                                        A shadow emerges from the bushes
                                                                        Of the forest's stony shores.
           What a delight it is,                                        Oh how wonderful it is at night,
           To feel butterflies in your stomach
           Not because of nervousness, but because of love!             When all that remains is dark;
           However much I try to perfect myself,                        The beasts deep in slumber ,
           I know, for him, I will never be enough.                     Lit only by the Northern Star.
                                                                        Look into the sky, what do you see?
                                                                        Chirping birds and airplanes; both delightful!
           - Palistha Sthapit

                                                                        It delights me when the animals gather,
                                                                        They travel, they run, and they walk;
                                                                        The animals together in prides and flocks,
                                                                        They gather at the forest's expansive rocks.
                                                                        I can hear them talk,I can hear them scream!
                                                                        Is this forest magical or is it just a dream!?
                                                                        Oh,it does wonders in fantasy,
                                                                        When I sense the fading twilight,
                                                                        Or, when I see the moonlit sill,
                                                                        The presence of twilight fades,
                                                                        Oh, such is the boulder's will!
                                                                        These are the wonders I see,
                                                                        All from my lonely windowsill.

                                                                        - Saharsha Sangraula

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