Page 23 - 2021 - 05 - second edition CCS InTouch - outlines_Neat
P. 23

Memorial Donations

              Thank you to the families who requested donations be
            sent to Calvin Christian School in memory of a loved one:

                             HARRY EGGINK
                             STEVE DEGROOT                         Hear the Bells Ringing
                           MARGARET MERCER
                                                                   By Mr. T. Boer
                           ELIZABETH ALBLAS
                                                                   SO  MANY THINGS  have  had  to  change  because  of
                                                                   COVID-19 restrictions. Learning to play the recorder was,
                                                                   unfortunately, not an option this year; however, that does not
                                                                   mean that playing a musical instrument was impossible. As
                                                                   a class, the students in Grade 4B learned to play the hand-
                                                                   bells. In a normal school year the handbells would have been
                                                                   reserved for an intramural club. In the first semester, we en-
                                             Naturopathic          joyed learning to play a number of Christmas songs. Recently,
                                     Professional Strength         the students rehearsed and learned several worship songs.
                                   Effective for Colds & Flu       They participated in a virtual Easter assembly. The real joy
                                                   came from performing a series of songs for Immanuel CRC.
                                                                   Just prior to the spring break, we dressed up in our CCS Mu-
                                                                   sic tour dress shirts. We walked over to Immanuel CRC and
                                                                   recorded several songs in the sanctuary. The recorded songs
                                                                   will be used in a series of upcoming worship services. The
                                                                   students enjoyed the experience, especially knowing that
                                                                   they would have a genuine audience to play for.

                                                                      THE CCS GOLF TOURNAMENT

                                                                                                 is postponed until
                                                                              SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2021

                                                                                        Details at

                                                                                                June 2021  inTouch  23
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