Page 8 - العدد الخامس
P. 8

Tuesday, Sep 20, YYYY                                                                            Issue #10

Mirjam Nilsson                                             ‫كرم أسرِ المجال‬                       Mirjam Nilsson
                                                        ‫الثالر بإشراف موسقة‬
The scoop of the day                                                                             The scoop of the day
The latest updates                                         ‫الما ِ الأستاذِ أحلا‬                  The latest updates
                                                              ‫المحرورية الطلاب‬
Picture Caption: To make your document look                                                      Themes and styles also help keep your document
professionally produced, Word provides header, footer,   ‫الحاصلون عل المركز‬                      co-ordinated. When you click Design and choose
cover page, and text box designs that complement each   ‫الأول و الثاني و الثالر‬                  a new Theme, the pictures, charts, and SmartArt
other.                                                                                           graphics change to match your new theme. When
                                                            ‫في مسابقة ( في‬                       you apply styles, your headings change to match
To make your document look professionally                     .‫الطابور الصباحي‬                   the new theme.
produced, Word provides header, footer,                                                          To change the way a picture fits in your document,
cover page, and text box designs that                                                            click it and a button for layout options appears
complement each other. For example, you can                                                      next to it.
add a matching cover page, header, and
sidebar.                                                              Great job our
Click Insert and then choose the elements you                         english little
want from the different galleries. Save time in
Word with new buttons that show up where                                  heroes
you need them.
                                                                                                            Picture Caption: To make your document look professionally
                                                                                                            produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text
                                                                                                            box designs that complement each other.

‫حفرل تكريم الييةرة الإراريرة و اليردريسررريرة و‬                                                  ‫تكريم الفريق الموسيقي‬

‫الرطرلربررة الرمرجريررديرن لرلرعررام الرردراسرررري‬                                               ‫بالمدرسة‬

                                                        ‫م‬2023/2022                               ‫كرم إ ارِ المدرسة و معلمة‬

‫الموسيق الفريي الموسيقي تحد رعدايدة معدالي الددكتورِ وتيرِ التربيدة و التعليم‬
‫ تم تكريم الأستاذتين‬، ‫مديحة بو أحمد الشيبانية‬/ ‫بالمدرسة عل الجهو المبذولة‬
                                                                                                 .‫طوال العا الدراسي‬
‫أحلا المحروريدة و أميرِ اللمكيدة عل مسددددتوا‬

‫ولايدة بوشددددر سددددا لين المول لهمدا وا التميز و‬

‫ كما و تم تكريم الطالبين الأيهم بن سدليمان‬. ‫الوجا‬

‫الحراصددددي و طده خلفدان القداسددددمي لتميزممدا و‬

‫تفورهما عل المسدتويين العلمي و السدلوكي في‬

                                                                      .‫ذات الحفل‬
Picture Caption: To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that complement each other.

Mirjam Nilsson

The ‫ي‬la‫سم‬t‫ا‬e‫الق‬s‫ه‬t‫ط‬break‫ي‬i‫ص‬n‫را‬g‫ح‬n‫ ال‬e‫هم‬w‫لأي‬s‫ ا‬of the day

The latest updates to get you through the day

To make your document look professionally produced, Word              charts, and SmartArt graphics change to match your new theme.

‫أميرة اللمكية‬.‫أحلام المحروقية أ‬.‫أ‬provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs thatWhen you apply styles, your headings change to match the new theme.
                                                                      Save time in Word with new buttons that show up where you need
complement each other. For example, you can add a matching cover
page, header, and sidebar. Click Insert and then choose the elements  them. To change the way a picture fits in your document, click it and a

you want from the different galleries.                                button for layout options appears next to it. When you work on a

Save time in Word with new buttons that show up where you need        table, click where you want to add a row or a column, and then click

them.To change the way a picture fits in your document, click it and a the plus sign. Reading is easier, too, in the new Reading view. You can

button for layout options appears next to it. Themes and styles also  collapse parts of the document and focus on the text you want.

help keep your document co-ordinated. When you click Design and

choose a new Theme, the pictures,

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