Page 4 - العدد الثالث
P. 4

‫حرر بتاريخ‬                                                                                               ‫العدد‬
NEWS TODAY)‫م‬2023/3/2(
                                                        ‫أخبار اليوم‬

                                                                                            ‫عودة صغارنا الأعزاء إلى أحضان المدرسة‬

                                                        ‫تهنئئئئيرةئئئئدرسةرطلبد ائئئئسر علئئئئسرطلبد ائئئئسر عئئئئ ر ئئئئ ته ر لئئئئ ر‬
                                                        ‫أحضئئئلمرطلبد ائئئسرة ئئئدر ئئئل ةرةبت ئئئسرطائئئت ل يطر نهئئئلر ئئئل ه رير‬

                                                                                                    ‫ ر‬.‫شحن طر لقلته رلطعبرطل ع رةنر درد‬

‫نصيحة فتحي و فتوحة‬

‫طلتنب ُسره رأحئدرأشئئئئ ئل فنرطل ن رطلئ ر‬
‫ربل ائئفر وأرأيرةعب سرةنرطا ل فنر‬
‫ضدر ٍأرآخ َسرأير ل فرةطسرق ٍسرةت بدةر‬
‫رل لكرأصئدقلي ر ر تنبسر ع ر‬،‫يرةت س ة‬

                ‫ ر‬.‫طلآخسر َنرا فر وأرش ء‬

                                                        Picture Caption: To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and
                                                        text box designs that complement each other.

                                                          Mirjam Nilsson

                                                         The scoop of the day

                                                        ‫ ر‬The latest updates to get you through the day

                                                        ‫أهلاً بالطاقم الإداري و التدريسي أهلاً بحمل َة رسالة العلم ر‬

Picture Caption: To make your document look             Video provides a powerful way to help you prove    Themes and styles also help keep your
professionally produced, Word provides header, footer,  your point. When you click Online Video, you       document coordinated. When you click Design
cover page, and text box designs that complement each   can paste in the embed code for the video you      and choose a new Theme, the pictures, charts,
other.                                                  want to add. You can also type a keyword to        and SmartArt graphics change to match your
                                                        search online for the video that best fits your    new theme. When you apply styles, your
  ‫العبقري محمد يعبر عن‬                                  document.                                          headings change to match the new theme.
   ‫فرحته بالعودة للمدرسة‬                                To make your document look professionally          Save time in Word with new buttons that show
                                                        produced, Word provides header, footer, cover      up where you need them. To change the way a
                                                        page, and text box designs that complement each    picture fits in your document, click it and a
                                                        other. For example, you can add a matching         button for layout options appears next to it.
                                                        cover page, header, and sidebar.                   When you work on a table, click where you
                                                        Save time in Word with new buttons that show       want to add a row or a column, and then click
                                                        up where you need them. To change the way a        the plus sign.
                                                        picture fits in your document, click it and a      Reading is easier, too, in the new Reading view.
                                                        button for layout options appears next to it.      You can collapse parts of the document and
                                                        When you work on a table, click where you want     focus on the text you want. If you need to stop
                                                        to add a row or a column, and then click the plus  reading before you reach the end, Word
                                                        sign.                                              remembers where you left off - even on another

                                                                                                           device. ‫اضغط‬

 The scoop of the day                                                    Mirjam Nilsson                    The scoop of the day
       The latest updates
                                                        Reading is easier, too, in the new Reading                        Mirjam Nilsson
                 Mirjam Nilsson                         view. You can collapse parts of the
                                                        document and focus on the text you want.
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