P. 2
Ethics are broadly understood as the set of rules, written and
unwritten, that govern our expectations of our own and others’ Providing
the right
behaviors. It also could be described as the principle that guide a to
person or society, created to determine what is good or bad, right or withdraw
wrong, in a given situation.
Frequently the term ethics is juxtaposed with the term laws. Avoiding Minimizing
However, ethics and laws are different since ethics tend to be broader deceptive the risk of
and more informal than laws. An action may be legal yet unethical or practices Principles harm
illegal but ethical. In simple words, the law could be acknowledged as research
the systematic set of universally approved rules and regulation created by ethics
an appropriate authority such as government which may be regional,
national, international, etc. It is used to administer the action and
behavior of the members and can be sanctioned, by imposing penalties. Obtaining
It is important to clearly understand what is ethics. Effectively, anonymity and informed
they set out how we expect others to behave, and why. While there is consent
broad agreement on some ethical values for example, a murder is
considered bad, there is also wide variation on how exactly these values
should be interpreted in practice.