Page 10 - Zoology Laboratory Project, Group 3
P. 10

Ethogram for Dog

                 General behavior                             Description                             Code
                 Novel Object                                                                          NO
                 Looks at          Head directed towards the novel object                             NOL
                 Sniffs            Stretches the neck and head towards the novel object               NOS
                 Physical          Physical contact with the novel object                             NOP

                 General behavior                             Description                             Code
                 Owner                                                                                 OW
                 Looks at          Head directed towards the owner’s face                             OWL
                 Jumps on          2 paws on the ground, makes physical contact with the owner        OWJ

                 General behavior                             Description                             Code
                 Other dogs                                                                            OD
                 Looks at         Head towards another dog                                            ODL
                 Pulls towards    Pull the leash towards another dog                                  ODP
                 Jumps towards    2 paws in contact with ground, head directed towards another dog    ODJ

                 General behavior                            Description                              Code
                 Stranger                                                                               S
                 Looks at stranger   Head directed towards the stranger                                SLS
                 Moves towards    Moves towards the stranger                                           SM
                 Sniffs           Stretches his/her neck and head towards the stranger                 SS
                 Jumps on         2 paws on the ground, makes physical contact with the stranger       SJ
                 Looks at owner    Head directed towards the owner within 5 seconds before ot after   SLO
                                  stranger interaction

                 General behavior                             Description                             Code
                 Other                                                                                  O
                 Stands           Stands up with all four legs and do not move                        OST
                 Sits             The behind is in the contact with ground, forelegs are standing      OS
                 Lies down        Belly in contact with the ground                                     OL
                 Moves            Move at least one paw to new location                                OM
                 Pulls            Stretches the leash towards other things than other dogs             OP
                 Sniffs the ground  Stretches his/her neck with the nose close to the ground          OSG
                 Yawns            Widely opens his/her mouth                                           OY
                 Shakes           Repeatedly and rapidly moves the body left-right                    OSH
                 Vocalization     Generates whining or barking noise                                   OV
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