Page 3 - 2022 Legal Symposium CLE Information
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Continuing Legal Education
Uniform Certificate of Attendance
Sponsor: National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
Activity Title: 29 Annual Legal Symposium
Date: March 14-15, 2022
Location: Arlington, VA
Program may qualify for: 9.0 CLE credit hours based on a 60-minute hour
10.8 CLE credit hours based on a 50-minute hour
Note: The above figures do not include Welcome/Opening Remarks.
Retain completed certificate in your files
or submit to appropriate state MCLE agency as required
This program has been approved in the past by the following states, among others: Alabama, Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Utah. Approval hours may vary by state.
By signing below, I certify that I actually attended the activity described above and am entitled to claim
_________ CLE credit hours including ____ ethics (professional responsibility) credit hours.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________
Attorney Name (Print) Signature
___________________________________________ ___________________________________
Membership, Registration or Supreme Court Number Date
State where credits are to be registered
(Complete a Certificate for each state to which you are required to report)
Acknowledged by:
Neal Insley