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               Like all other swimming clubs, 4SSC is staffed and run by volunteers, from the elected committee

               who run the club to the helpers who run the refreshments stall at the club championships,
               without these kind volunteers the club would cease to exist.

               We would call upon all parents to get behind your swimmers and help out in some way, here are
               some of the opportunities that may be available:

               Committee Members

               There are a variety of committee posts which are elected / re-elected each year. These include:

               Chair – who heads the club

               Treasurer – looks are the clubs finances

               Membership Secretary – manages memberships and training schedules

               Gala Secretary – collates entries and communicates gala details

               Fund Raising – helps to find ways to bolster the clubs coffers

               Team Manager

               Whenever we attend an open gala at another club, we need at least 1 Team Manager for every
               10 swimmers and potentially more. Team manager help to organise the swimmers and ensure

               they get to the marshalling areas on time and attend the correct warm-up session. The ASA run
               courses for Team Managers, which individuals would be encouraged to attend.

               Judges / Time Keepers

               Time keepers and Judges are required for all galas operated within ASA rules. 4SSC need parents
               to time keep at the club championships and wherever we enter an open gala, part of the
               conditions of entry are that we provide a trained official for each five or ten swimmers who

               The ASA run a full programme taking candidates from novice stop watch operators through

               three courses and in-gala training to become Judge level 1 [J1]. From here they can, if they wish,
               progress further to Judge Level 2 [J2], then become a starter [J2S] and finally become a Referee!

               We now actively promote training within the club for parents, which not only offers you a very
               worthy time filler while you’re waiting for your swimmer [you get a ringside stand to watch them],

               but also allows us, as a club, to participate in external galas. Apart from the initial courses you do
               not have to commit to more sessions than you want. You can “officiate” for just one session in
               the day, every little helps.

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