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What does this mean for you?

              Allowing pharmacy technicians to work under PGDs offers several benefits:

                SUPPORT FOR PHARMACISTS                              ENHANCED PROFESSIONAL

                Pharmacists can delegate routine tasks               This new responsibility offers technicians
                to technicians, freeing up their time to             more career advancement opportunities and
                concentrate on more clinical services.               the chance to develop specialised skills.

                STREAMLINED PHARMACY                                 POTENTIAL EXTRA INCOME                  £

                With technicians taking on more                      Pharmacies may experience increased
                responsibilities, pharmacy operations can            financial benefits through the provision
                become more efficient, potentially reducing          of additional services and increased
                wait times and increasing patient output.            patient visits.

                TEAM COLLABORATION                                   STANDARDISATION OF CARE

                This change encourages a more                        With technicians working under PGDs,
                collaborative working environment                    there can be more consistent and
                within the pharmacy, as technicians and              standardised care across various
                pharmacists work more closely together to            pharmacies, ensuring patients receive
                provide comprehensive patient care.                  uniform services and quality of care.

                IMPROVED PATIENT                                     BETTER UTILISATION OF SKILLS
                ACCESS TO CARE

                With more healthcare professionals able to           By expanding their role, pharmacy
                supply and administer medications, patients          technicians can fully utilise their training
                can receive quicker and more convenient              and expertise, leading to greater job
                access to necessary treatments.                      satisfaction and morale.

              How Numark can support

              As we anticipate further changes, we are developing training and resources
              to support upskilling and grow the confidence of our member technicians,
              to give them a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities and
              also how both the pharmacist and technician can support one another.


                                                                                                                 09/08/2024   16:06:13
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