Page 41 - P4403.14_V85_YOUROTC_Book OCTOBER_2023[Digital Test]
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From the No. 1 brand sold through UK Pharmacy*
               TAKE CARE THIS WINTER
                   UK’s most comprehensive range of tried
                   and trusted remedies for minor illnesses
                Significant   Extensive   Care looks after
                  POR range of  you as well as
               opportunity -  products for your customers,
                boost your both children giving you
              sales and profit and adults great margins
                 For more information download the Ultimate Guide to Care app
                               Available from the Google Play or Apple Store
             Simple Linctus Paediatric Sugar Free. Ingredients: Citric Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Relief of non-productive (dry) coughs. Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification:
             GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Simple Linctus Sugar Free. Ingredients: Citric
             Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Symptomatic relief of coughs. Product Authorisation Holder: L.C.M. Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions,
             precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Simple Linctus Paediatric. Ingredients: Citric Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Relief of nonproductive (dry) coughs.
             Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found
             at: Simple Linctus BP. Ingredients: Citric Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Symptomatic relief of coughs. Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7
             5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Glycerin, Lemon and
             Honey with Glucose. Ingredients: Glycerol. Indications: Symptomatic relief of coughs and sore throats. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: https://
    Glycerin BP Product Authorisation Holder: L.C.M. Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Care Codeine 15mg/5ml Oral Solution Sugar Free. For the relief of an
             unproductive dry cough. Contains Codeine phosphate 15mg (Per 5ml Dose). Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at:
             emc/product/7985 Care Decongestant Tablets Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: P. Ingredients: Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. Indications: Relief of nasal,
             sinus and upper respiratory congestion. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Care Night Cold & Flu
             Relief Oral Solution 200ml. Ingredients: Paracetamol, Promethazine Hydrochloride, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide. Indications: Night-time relief from common cold and flu symptoms, such as headaches, shivers, runny nose, tickly
             cough, aches and pains. Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications,
             and method of use can be found at: Always read the label.
          42  HEALTHCARE                  *For verification please write to Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5QH                                                                          HEALTHCARE  43
                                                                                                                                  All in one
                                                                                                                                  Feeling under the weather?
                                                                                                                                  Speak to our team for advice.
                             From the No. 1 brand sold through UK Pharmacy*                                                       Contains paracetamol, phenylephrine hydrochloride, guaifenesin, cetylpyridinium chloride,
                                                                                                                                  relieves the symptoms of cold and flu. Do not exceed the stated dose. Do not take with
                                                                                                                                  other cold or decongestant medicines or any other paracetamol-containing products.
                                                                                                                                  Not suitable for children under 12 Always read the label. Ask the Pharmacist for advice.
               TAKE CARE THIS WINTER                                                                                              P HA R M A C Y     POWERING
                                                                                                                                                                 YOUR SALES
                   UK’s most comprehensive range of tried                       Non
                   and trusted remedies for minor illnesses                    drowsy
                Significant    Extensive    Care looks after
                  POR         range of    you as well as
               opportunity -   products for  your customers,
                boost your  both children  giving you
              sales and profit  and adults  great margins
                                                                                                                                                              FEEL THE POWER
                 For more information download the Ultimate Guide to Care app

                               Available from the Google Play or Apple Store                                                         Covonia Vapour Drops. Active ingredients: peppermint oil, menthol. Legal category: GSL.   Covonia Mucus Cough Oral Solution. Active ingredients: levomenthol, liquorice
                                                                                                                                liquid extract, squill tincture. Legal category: GSL.
                                          *For verification please write to Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5QH   Covonia Night Time Formula. Active ingredients: diphenhydramine hydrochloride,
             Simple Linctus Paediatric Sugar Free. Ingredients: Citric Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Relief of non-productive (dry) coughs. Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification:   dextromethorphan hydrobromide. Legal category:  P.    Covonia Dry & Tickly Cough Linctus. Active ingredients: glycerol. Legal category: GSL.
             GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Simple Linctus Sugar Free. Ingredients: Citric
             Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Symptomatic relief of coughs. Product Authorisation Holder: L.C.M. Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions,
             precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Simple Linctus Paediatric. Ingredients: Citric Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Relief of nonproductive (dry) coughs.   Covonia Original Bronchial Balsam Syrup. Active ingredients: dextromethorphan
             Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found   Covonia Dry Cough Sugar Free Formula. Active ingredients: pholcodine monohydrate.
             at: Simple Linctus BP. Ingredients: Citric Acid Monohydrate. Indications: Symptomatic relief of coughs. Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7   Legal category: P.   hydrobromide, menthol. Legal category: P.
             5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Glycerin, Lemon and
             Honey with Glucose. Ingredients: Glycerol. Indications: Symptomatic relief of coughs and sore throats. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: https://  Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated. Active ingredients: levomenthol, liquorice
    Glycerin BP Product Authorisation Holder: L.C.M. Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Care Codeine 15mg/5ml Oral Solution Sugar Free. For the relief of an   Covonia Sore Throat Oromucosal Spray. Active ingredients: lidocaine hydrochloride,
             unproductive dry cough. Contains Codeine phosphate 15mg (Per 5ml Dose). Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at:  liquid extract, squill tincture. Legal category: GSL.
             emc/product/7985 Care Decongestant Tablets Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: P. Ingredients: Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. Indications: Relief of nasal,   chlorhexidine gluconate. Legal category: P.
             sinus and upper respiratory congestion. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at: Care Night Cold & Flu
             Relief Oral Solution 200ml. Ingredients: Paracetamol, Promethazine Hydrochloride, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide. Indications: Night-time relief from common cold and flu symptoms, such as headaches, shivers, runny nose, tickly   Covonia ALL-IN-ONE Chesty Cough, Cold & Flu Relief Oral Solution. Active ingredients:
             cough, aches and pains. Product Authorisation Holder: Thornton & Ross Ltd, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5QH, UK. Legal classification: GSL. Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications,
             and method of use can be found at: Always read the label.            paracetamol, phenylephrine hydrochloride, guaifenesin, cetylpyridinium chloride.
                                                                                                                                     Legal category: GSL.
                                                                                                                                Product                  Size  Case   Buying   RRP  Offer %  POR   Pip Code
                                                                                                                                                             Size  Price/Single
                                                                      Simple Linctus                                            COVONIA
                                                                                                                                     Strong Original Cough Drop  51g  8  £0.98  £1.90  18%  38%  356-5983
                                                                       Feeling under the weather?                                  Strong Berry Blast Cough Drop  51g  8  £0.98  £1.90  18%  38%  356-5991
                                                                       Speak to our team for advice.                                Dry and Tickly Cough Linctus 150ml  6  £2.85  £5.70  18%  40%  326-3829
                                                                       Contains citric acid monohydrate for symtomatic relief of coughs. Not suitable for children under 12 years old.   Chesty cough medicine 150ml  6  £2.90  £5.70  18%  39%  245-1458  Save
                                                                       Always read the label. Ask the Pharmacist for advice.
                    Save                                               P HA R M A C Y  Case   Buying   Trade    POR                   All In One Cold & Flu Relief 160ml  6 6  £4.50  £6.65  18%  36%  422-2378  18%   Off                            THIS AREA TO BE LEFT CLEAR FOR PRICE LIST TABLE
                                                                                                                                            Throat Spray "P"
                                                                                                                                              Catarrh Relief 150ml
                  18%        Off             Product                  Size  Size  Price/Single   RRP  Offer %  %  Pip Code       Medicated Sore Throat Lozenges   6 6  £4.71  £8.55  18%  40%  293-9239      Trade
                                                                                                                                       Chesty cough medicine 300ml
                   Trade                             Care Linctus Paediatric  200ml  12  £1.10  £2.56  18%  48%  103-1343       Original Bronchial Balsam Syrup "P" 150ml  10  £3.60  £6.65  18%  39%  410-0210
                                                            Care Linctus  200ml
                                                                                                                                      Lemon Flavour Sugar Free
                                                     Care Linctus Sugar Free 200ml  12  £1.20  £2.56  18%  44%  361-4062                Night Time Formula "P" 150ml  12  £3.30  £6.65  18%  40%  246-9385
                                              Care Linctus Paediatric Sugar Free 200ml  12  £1.30  £2.56  18%  39%  369-5822          Chesty Cough Sugar Free 150ml  12  £3.38  £6.64  18%  39%  388-2933
            CARE0822_11811185_Care_Cough_Cold_PLOF_Ad.indd   1  Care Glycerin  200ml  12  £1.50  £3.03  18%  41%  103-6870             Dry cough Sugar Free "P" 150ml  12  £3.38  £6.64  18%  39%  377-2340
            CARE0822_11811185_Care_Cough_Cold_PLOF_Ad.indd   1
                                                                                                         12/08/2022   17:00
                                                                                                         12/08/2022   17:00
                                                                                                                                 COVO0823_11996865_T&R Covonia PLOF.indd   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11/08/2023   12:32
                                                                                                                                 COVO0823_11996865_T&R Covonia PLOF.indd   1                                              11/08/2023   12:32
            CARE0822_11811185_Care_Cough_Cold_PLOF_Ad.indd   1
            CARE0822_11811185_Care_Cough_Cold_PLOF_Ad.indd   1                                           12/08/2022   17:00 12/08/2022   17:00
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