Page 5 - P4403.14_V85_YOUROTC_Book OCTOBER_2023[Digital Test]
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6  MARGIN MAK                                                                                                                                                                                    AS SEEN ON TV  7
          6  HEALTHCAREERS

          THIS MONTH’S                                                                                                            AS SEEN

          MAX MARGIN

          MAKERS                                                                                                                    ON TV!

         Improve your profit margin by ordering some of our highest                                                                 Each month we’ll give you a                       Our supplier partners have
         margin products. Here are 3 suggestions below.                                                                             rundown on which products                         confimed that the brands

                                                                                                                                    are being promoted on TV, this  below will be featured on
                                                                                                                                    should give you time to stock                     TV in November.
                                                                                                  1st                               up in case there’s a sudden
                  PIP 410-5755
                  Numark Early                                                                                                      increase in demand.

                  Pregnancy Tests 2
                  Single Buying Price £2.10

                  RRP £7.49
                  POR 72%

                                                                                                  2 nd

                  PIP 092-6683
                  Oilatum Emollient 500Ml
                  Single Buying Price £8.90

                  RRP £16.79
                  POR 47%

                  PIP 106-1910

                  Loperamide Caps 2Mg
                  Numark  422Et  12
                  Single Buying Price £1.20

                  RRP £4.49
                  POR 73%
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10