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70  HEALTHCARE                                                                      HEALTHCARE  71

                                                                             NASAL STRIPS
                                                                             N AS A L  S TR I P S


                                                                               Up             Off
                                                                               To 19%

                          Get more air.

                     Better Breathing starts with us

                                    Instantly relieves nasal congestion due

                                    to colds, allergies or a deviated septum

                          Improves nasal                Improves sleep quality
                          airflow up to 31% *           in 90% of snorers *                 Drug-free

                          * Seto-Poon et al. 1999       * Scharf et al. Ear Nose Throat Journal 1994
                                                        (small, open label study in mild snorers)


 Up   Off  Product  Size  Case   Buying   RRP  Offer %  POR   Pip Code  Product  Size  Case   Buying   RRP  Offer %  POR   Pip Code
 To 10%
                                            Size  Price/Single
 Size  Price/Single
 Trade  NYTOL   Nytol Caplets 25mg 20s     20  6  £3.34  £5.99  9%  33%  382-4752  BREATHE RIGHT   10s  6  £2.80  £5.51  18%  39%  270-5598
                  Nasal Strip Original Large 10s
 Nytol One A Night Caplets 50mg 20s     20  6  £4.62  £8.29  10%  33%  382-4620  Nasal Strip Original SM/MED 10s  10s  6  £2.80  £5.51  18%  39%  270-5580
                  Nasal Strip Original Large 30s  30s  4  £6.46  £12.86  19%  40%  239-1324
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75