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We protect what matters.

        Shred-it and PSUK,

        working together.

        Security of patient information is critical.

        GDPR legislation applies to any business and         •  FREE Data Security Survey to assess your
        organisation anywhere in the world which                 needs and areas of risk
        processes information about EU citizens.             •  Both on and offsite destruction options
        Any business or organisation failing to comply
        with this legislation could incur a fine of          •  Free of charge rental of secure containers in
        up to £20 million or 4% of global turnover,              a variety of sizes
        whichever is greater, dependent on the nature        •  A non-intrusive service that frees up staff
        of the offence.                                          members’ time who previously shredded
                                                                 documents themselves
        To comply with the GDPR, businesses
        must implement appropriate technical and             •  All paper put in to the Shred-it security
        organisational measures that not only ensure             consoles is recycled. Fill a console twice and
        that they comply with the GDPR legislation;              save one tree through recycling, helping to
        they also need to be able to demonstrate                 reduce your carbon footprint
        compliance. A provider like Shred-it can help        •  Annual Trees Saved Certificate (upon
        you do this.                                             request) to show environmental impact of
        Together, PSUK and Shred-it are partners                 your shredding efforts.
        offering reduced rates for PSUK sites. Shred-        Did you know… as well as the destruction of
        it has been providing secure information             paper, Shred-it also destroy other items such
        destruction services to over 400,000                 as hard drives, x-ray film, uniforms, media
        customers since 1988 and help you meet               (floppy disks, CDs, tapes), branded literature,
        your compliance and GPDR obligations with            brochures and business cards.
        reliable, on-time service. Whether it’s a clear      For more information or to take advantage of
        out of archived materials or regularly scheduled     the PSUK rates please email:
        service, we help you prevent confidential  
        information from ending up in the wrong hands.

        Benefits of using Shred-it:                             REDUCED PSUK RATES:
        •  A cost-effective way of meeting                      Off-site shredding -
            compliance obligations with a reduced rate          £9.45 per console, £3.78 per archive box or
            already negotiated for PSUK customers               white bag. £37.80 minimum charge.
        •  Secure Chain of Custody: vetted
            staff, barcode scanning, Certificate of             On-site shredding -
            Destruction and Waste Transfer Notes                £10.50 per console, £4.20 per archive box
                                                                or white bag. £42.00 minimum charge.

                                                 Shred-it  is a Stericycle solution.

                                   Corner House  ·  177 Cross Street  ·  Sale  ·  Manchester  ·  M33 7JQ
                                               T: 0800 028 1164  ·

                    Shred-it Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No. 04047194  ·  Registered office: Comer House, 177 Cross Street, Sale, Manchester, M33 7JQ

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