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2 mg/5 ml

 (400 mcg/ml)   Are you making the
 The first non-branded 2 mg/5 ml   most of your Numark

 glycopyrronium bromide oral solution   Brand Support deals?

 An opportunity for adolescents to continue their treatment into adulthood

 For the symptomatic treatment of severe sialorrhoea (chronic   If you maximised your  Brand Support
 pathological drooling) due to chronic neurological disorders of   usage, you could potentially receive up to
 childhood-onset in patients aged 3 years and older.     £403 in rebates per month*.
              Check out the Membership Dashboard
 Colonis Glycopyrronium Bromide 2 mg/5 ml Oral Solution   to see how you can maximise your Brand
 gives patients the opportunity to continue their stable dose   Support rebate… It pays to be with Numark!
 into adulthood. 1

 •  The 2 mg/5 ml solution is available in 60 ml and 250 ml bottles.

 •  Sugar-free, strawberry flavour – strawberry is the most popular

 flavour with children. 2
 •  A formulation suited for children with swallowing issues. 3

 •  Licensed for use with nasogastric and/or PEG tubes. 1

 PIP Codes: 128-0841 (60 ml), 128-0833 (250 ml)

 Colonis Glycopyrronium Bromide Oral Solution 2 mg/5 ml is now
 available to order via Phoenix

 PRESCRIBING INFORMATION   inhaled anaesthetics. May delay absorption of other medication. Concurrent use with slow-
 Please consult the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) before prescribing.   dissolving tablets of digoxin, atenolol or metformin may result in increased serum levels of these
 medicines. Use with parasympathomimetics may antagonise the effect.
 Product name: Glycopyrronium Bromide 2 mg/5 ml Oral Solution  Adverse effects:
 Composition: Each 5 ml contains 2 mg of glycopyrronium bromide   Serious: Allergic reaction, seizure (worsening), transient bradycardia, angle-closure glaucoma,
 Indications: Symptomatic treatment of severe sialorrhoea (chronic pathological drooling) due to   urinary retention (common), pneumonia (common), pyrexia (common), behavioural
 chronic neurological disorders of childhood-onset in patients aged 3 years and older.  changes (very common)  £67 a month can be earned on these 5 products
 Dosage and administration: Dosing is based on the weight of the child. Using the graduated   Very common: Dry mouth, constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting, flushing, nasal congestion, reduced
 syringe provided, initiate dosing at 0.02 mg/kg three times daily and titrate in increments of   bronchial secretions. Consult the SmPC for further details and for other adverse reactions.  alone based on average pharmacy usage**.
 0.02 mg/kg every 5-7 days. Adjust dose to achieve optimal symptomatic control with minimal   NHS price: 60 ml: £76.80, 250 ml: £320
 adverse effects. The maximum recommended dosage is 0.1 mg/kg three times daily not
 exceeding 1.5-3 mg per dose based on weight. Refer to dosing table (Table 1) in Summary of   Legal category: Prescription Only Medicine
 Product Characteristics. Dose should be given one hour before or two hours after meals. For oral   Marketing Authorisation Holder: Colonis Pharma Limited, 25 Bedford Square, Bloomsbury,   Average   Your potential monthly rebate
 use and use via nasogastric & PEG feeding tubes.   London, WC1B 3HH, United Kingdom  Pipcode   Supplier   Brand Support Product  Pack   pharmacy   Net
 Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to glycopyrronium bromide or excipients; angle-closure   MA number: PL 41344/0071   Size  usage  price  Small  Medium  Large
 glaucoma; myasthenia gravis; pyloric stenosis; paralytic ileus; prostatic enlargement; urinary   Job number: GB-CPL-066-001
 retention; severe renal impairment (eGFR < 30 ml/min/1.73 m , including those with end-stage
 renal disease requiring dialysis); intestinal obstruction; pregnancy & breastfeeding; potassium   Date of preparation: December 2024  3175510  Napp  BUTRANS PATCHES 10MCG/HR   4  1.4  £11.50  £21.48  £34.37  £49.41
 chloride solid oral dose products; other anticholinergic drugs. Contraindicated during pregnancy
 and whilst breastfeeding.  Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found   DURAPHAT 5000 FLUORIDE
 Warnings and precautions: Not recommended in children under 3 years and should not be used   at: or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or   3207776  Colgate  TPASTE POM   51G  51g  24  £5.47  £6.30  £10.08  £14.50
 in children with mild to moderate sialorrhoea or in patients over 65 years. Use with caution in   Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to Colonis Pharma Limited via
 children with compromised blood brain barrier. Reduced dose should be considered for patients   Clinigen E-mail:
 with renal failure. Use with caution in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, ulcerative colitis,   Fax number: +44 (0) 1932 824284  3778081  Dr Falk  URSOFALK TABS 500MG  100  0.3  £47.40  £5.37  £8.59  £12.35
 pre-existing constipation, acute myocardial infarction, hypertension, conditions characterised
 by tachycardia (including hyperthyroidism, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac surgery), coronary
 artery disease, cardiac arrhythmias, patients receiving inhalation anaesthesia. Diarrhoea may   Abbreviation  3225687  Abbvie  GANFORT EYE DROPS  3ml  2.3  £8.00  £9.55  £15.29  £21.97
 be an early symptom of incomplete intestinal obstruction, especially in patients with ileostomy   PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy.
 or colostomy, and treatment with this drug would be inappropriate and possibly harmful. As   BBI
 glycopyrronium bromide inhibits sweating, patients with increased temperature should be   References  2429793  Healthcare  GLUCOGEL  3 pack  31  £5.95  £8.38  £13.41  £19.28
 observed closely. In high environmental temperature, heat prostration can occur. Avoid repeated   1.  Colonis Pharma Ltd. Glycopyrronium Bromide 2 mg/5 ml Oral Solution Summary of Product
 or large doses in patients with uraemia. Patients with fructose intolerance should not take this   Characteristics. Available from:
 medicine due to presence of sorbitol. The product contains sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate   2.  Generation R. What flavour would children choose for their medicines? Available from: https://
 (E217) and sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E219) which may cause allergic reactions
 (possibly delayed). Treatment should be evaluated in the event of constipation, overheating,   [Accessed January 2025].
 urinary retention, pneumonia, allergic reaction, pyrexia, very hot weather, changes in behaviour.   3.  Batchelor HK and Mariott JF. Formulations for children; problems and solutions. Br J Pharmacol.
 Safety data beyond 24 weeks are not available. Treatment should be kept as short as possible.   2015;79(3):405–418.   * Calculated using PCA data from NHSBSA – based on pharmacy dispensing 6,500 scripts.
 May produce drowsiness or blurred vision, thus patients should not operate machinery.  © Colonis Pharma Limited 2025
 Drug interactions: Combinations with drugs with antimuscarinic effects (e.g. amantadine,   ** Potential monthly rebate subject to change each month due to additions/deletions/price changes and prescribing data.
 tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, clozapine; disopyramide; MAOIs, nefopam; memantine,   Registered in England & Wales No. 05486832. For more information please view our Privacy
 phenothiazines) may add to adverse effects and can also lead to confusion in the elderly. Use   Policy. VAT Registration No. 862418028. Registered office: Colonis Pharma Ltd, 25 Bedford Square,
 with corticosteroids may result in increased intraocular pressure. There are specific interactions   Bloomsbury, London, WC1B 3HH.
 with domperidone, metoclopramide, levodopa, haloperidol; nitrates; topiramate, zonisamide;   January 2025 | GB-CPL-066-002
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