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Enhanced communication and This is where the future lies, and this is
revenue generation where DigiPharma shines—developed
The DigiPharma platform allows by clinicians, not IT specialists,
ensuring it meets the real needs of
for the creation of an SBAR your pharmacy.
(Situation, Background, Assessment,
Recommendation) for easy GP Imagine having clear, automated
collaboration and enhanced protocols guiding your consultations.
communication. Based on demand DigiPharma doesn’t just streamline
and feedback, this private consultation your process; it opens up new revenue
platform captures what you need streams. GPs will send more patients
efficiently. your way, and you’ll be ready—with
But this is not just about compliance the right tools to capture complete,
detailed records while boosting your
and communication; it’s a revenue income.
generator. Helping to build confidence
in consultation skills, DigiPharma will The features
be your partner in unlocking revenue Reactive platform: Cloud based
while maintaining quality of care. pharmacy consultation platform that
By having the competence and works on any device.
confidence, you can deliver more Quality of care: Protocols built with
private services and even differentiate latest medical guidance and NHS
yourself in the market by providing PGDs.
specialised services that other
pharmacies may not offer. This will Improved communication: Streamline
attract a broader customer base referrals, replace SBARs, and reduce
and tap into niche markets requiring admin time.
specific clinical expertise. Governance: Create and store records
to comply with clinical governance on
safe record handling.
Software safety: ICO, GDPR and
Deliver 10 Travel Health and Cybersecurity Essentials compliant.
Vaccination Services a month and Leading the market
earn an average income of £960!
We are proud to be partnering with
this first to market system from
Deliver 10 Weight Management DigiPharma. We know this is the future
Services and earn an average and we know where the profession is
income of £2,140 per month! going. Numark recognises the direction
of travel and understands that we
need to get ahead of the game. Our
Delivering 10 Ear Wax Removal goal is to assist you in engaging with
Services a month could see you the future with confidence.
earn an average income of £600!
We’re not just providing you with a
tool; we’re offering a nurturing piece
that supports a new era in pharmacy
practice; Numark and DigiPharma
are here to build your confidence and
support you every step of the way.
Want to unlock an exclusive 10%
discount today? Visit
07/02/2025 11:51:07
P4403.59-V61_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Mar 25.indd 25
P4403.59-V61_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Mar 25.indd 25 07/02/2025 11:51:07