Page 20 - P4403.14_V94_YOUROTC_Book JULY_2024 Northern Ireland PRINT
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                                                                                         Buying       Trade
                                                    Product                         Size  Price/  RRP  Offer   POR    Pip Code
                                                                                          Single       %    %
                                                        REPLENS 35G TUBE & APPLICATOR  35g  £5.24  £9.49  14%  34%  290-7574
                                                             REPLENS PRE-FILLED APPL   6  £5.18  £9.49  15%  34%  290-5966

                                                                                                     To 15%     Off

                                                                                       LONG LASTING
                The Vaginal                                                            RELIEF

                 Moisturiser                                                           NO.1 GP

                   That Lasts                                                          RECOMMENDED*

                        3 Days                                                         HORMONE FREE

                                                     *GPrX data: UK non-hormonal vaginal moisturisers, from August 2022 – July 2023

                    Fast & Effective

                    Pain Relief

                    Contains Aspirin                   Save
                                                   Up             Off
                                                    To 17%
                        Headache                      Trade

                        Relief from cold

                        & flu symptoms

                                       Buying    Trade
                    Product        Size  Price/  RRP  Offer   POR    Pip Code
                                        Single    %
                       ALKA ORIGINAL   10  £1.81  £3.36  16%  35%  233-4480
                       ALKA ORIGINAL   20  £3.13  £5.48  12%  31%  241-3789
                            ALKA XS   20  £3.30  £6.15  17%  36%  241-3805
                    Alka-Seltzer  Original contains acetylsalicylic acid. Indication: For the rapid relief of pain
                    including migraine, headache, period pains, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat; the sympto-
                    matic relief of rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago, fibrositis, muscular aches and pains; the
                    symptomatic relief of influenza, feverishness, and feverish colds. MA Holder: Bayer plc, 400
                    South Oak Way, Reading, RG2 6AD, UK (information about this product, including adverse
                    reactions, precautions, contra-indications, and method of use can be found at https://www.
           Legal Category: GSL. Date of Preparation:
                    May 2023

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