Page 3 - P4403.14_V94_YOUROTC_Book JULY_2024 Northern Ireland PRINT
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              KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR



                 Ensure you’ve covered all bases for your customers
                 purchases throughout the travel season and summer
                 months, we’ve got good levels of stock across the
                 travel category’s, stock up.

                 Within this month's member pack you will find a
                 double sided poster based around travel, place this
                 prominently in your shop window to encourage
                 your customers  to shop their  travel purchases
                 with you.                                                      support and advice

                                                                                Speak to our pharmacy team for
                                                                                Always read the label, ask the pharmacist for advice

                 Medicated                                            Allergy

                 Skincare                                             We are now well into the allergy

                 Save up to 56% off trade on                          season; ensure you are maintaining
                                                                      good levels of stock for the
                 medicated skincare brands                            remainder of the season.
                 throughout July. There’s a range of
                 products to
                 choose from                                                                        Save
                 depending                                                                      Up              Off
                                                                                                 To 25%
                 on your
                 customer's                                                                         Trade
                 skin concern.

                                                                                                                 12/06/2024   13:32:02
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