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Welcome to July’s issue

               of PS magazine.

               Last month saw our annual south conference           One important part of the PSUK proposition
               held at Hinxton Hall – it was a pleasure             is working with our pharma partners to
               seeing so many valued members and                    ensure our members have access to
               suppliers join us at the event to listen to          medication at the best discounts.  This
               a variety of speakers providing guidance,            month AstraZeneca products will be
               market information and tips on various               available through your PSUK account, and a
               aspects of the dispensary and practice               refreshed MDS scheme on certain products
               -  from profitability advice and managing            will be available through PSUK and managed
               social media, all the way through to hearing         in the same way as your other schemes.
               from the prescription pricing authority on           There are more details on this on page 6.
               what happens to prescriptions once they are          If you are not already getting our e-bulletin
               submitted.                                           detailing updates and changes to branded
               These informative sessions gave those that           discount, I would recommend you request
               attended some food for thought on areas              this through your account manager – not
               in the practice and dispensary that can              taking advantage of discount changes
               be improved/tweaked to drive additional              on branded products or reacting when
               benefit.                                             discounts are reduced can have a significant
               It was also a fantastic opportunity to speak         impact on the profitability.  Over the past
               to our pharma partners about their portfolios        two months alone we have introduced four
               and how they can support you in the                  new exclusive MDS schemes, and in the
               dispensary.                                          last six months we have communicated 19
               As the largest dispensing doctor                     improvements to existing schemes. We detail
               membership organisation, our members                 the latest changes on page 20.
               are located all over the UK, and to ensure           Also in this edition, we will be talking about
               members do not miss out, we are committing           an exciting new feature on our website that
               to putting on an event in the North of the           will make it easier to contact us via our
               country towards the end of this year. You can        website and find information that may be of
               find out more about this on page 8.                  use to you.  Our article on page 17 will talk
               In this month’s magazine, we will be talking         through how you can use this, and how it will
               about the team behind PSUK and the                   benefit you in the dispensary.
               ongoing drive to ensure we are supporting            As usual we will also talk through the
               members through advice, guidance and                 monthly tips and include informative articles
               ensuring we are the most competitive in              from some of our guest writers designed
               the market.  Our sole focus on dispensing            to benefit you and your dispensary.  I hope
               doctors enables us to understand the                 you enjoy this edition and look forward to
               difficulties encountered by both the                 seeing some of you at our winter conference
               dispensary and the broader practice - so it’s        and the study days we will be putting on
               important to me that we can provide you              throughout the second half of this year.
               with the tools to help you make profitable
               decisions and have the team in place that
               can support you.
                                                                        Simon Coles

                                                                        Managing Director, PSUK.

              Registered Office: Rivington Road, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Preston Brook, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 3DJ
              PSUK is a Service of PHOENIX Healthcare Distribution Limited.
              Company Registration No. 129370. VAT No. 109898228.
              This document is regularly checked and reviewed, however the information in this document is always subject to change without notice.

               or call us on 01904 558 350                                     Welcome to your issue | PS Magazine   3 3

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