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                 Introducing SolpaOne : Max Strength paracetamol
                 for everyday pain relief

                   WHO IS SolpaOne® IDEAL FOR?

                        People who are experiencing acute   Those who have swallowing difficulties
                        headache or back pain            (15-20% incidence) †                          ®
                         •     Gets to work up to 2x faster than regular    •     Only 1 tablet to dissolve    SolpaOne
                          paracetamol tablets *          •    Maximum dose in a single tablet  is suitable for the
                        •    Max dose paracetamol in a single tablet **  •     Rapidly absorbed
                        •    Gentle on stomach  1                                         3 MOST COMMON
                                                      Patients who are taking             PAIN OCCASIONS:
                       Those with everyday pain and fever   multiple medications                       §
                       associated with colds, flu and    •     Simple, easy to remember one-tablet dose  Headache (61% )
                       sore throats                   •     Can be taken with most prescription    Cold & Flu Symptoms (46% )
                       •    Easy to swallow effervescent format  medicines including MOST antibiotics  1  Backache (46% )
                      •    Hydration benefit as tablet to be dissolved    •     Also safe for those with stomach ulcers,
                            in full tumbler of water   or who are on contraceptives 1
                                     AIDING THE PAIN CONVERSATION
                                             SEVERITY  What are the symptoms of their pain?
                                                     This helps you recognise any red flags, and also
                                                     if the pain is accompanied by fever.
                                            DURATION  How long have they had these symptoms?
                                                    This determines if their pain is chronic or acute.
                                           MEDICINES  Are they taking any other medication?
                                                    Or do they have any other medical conditions?
                                       INTERVENTIONS  What self-care action or products have
                                                   they already tried to treat their pain?
                                                   How long for, and have they worked?
                                                                                          §  Opinium, Perrigo Pain Segmentation, 2021,
                                                                                            Prevalence of pain types in the past
                                                                                               6 months, n=3180
                                                                                         CENTRE & GLUE BASE OF POP-UP PANEL HERE
                 An important addition to the
                 pharmacy pain management toolkit

                 NEW  SolpaOne  available in pharmacy only, gives you a responsible max strength one-dose effervescent paracetamol option to
                 help customers to manage mild-to-moderate pain  while potentially mitigating a future need for opioids. 4
                                                                                          DO YOU KNOW THE PAIN CODE?
                                          NICE GUIDANCE ON PARACETAMOL FOR                For current stewardship on analgesics visit:
                                          MILD TO MODERATE PAIN   4                       manufacturer-resources/perrigo-training-hub
                                 1                       2             3            4             5
                                                                      Paracetamol should
                        ON THE     Paracetamol is the first    Paracetamol    be added to ibuprofen   should be continued   A weak opioid should
                                                         should be substituted
                                                                                                  be started in addition
                   PAIN LADDER   step for managing mild-to-  with ibuprofen or, if   or the weak opioid 3  and ibuprofen   to paracetamol
                                 moderate pain in adults and   ibuprofen is unsuitable,   replaced with an   and/or a NSAID  3
                                                        a weak opioid
                                children over 16 years  3  (such as codeine) 3     alternative NSAID  3

                     VITAL ADVICE ON DOSAGE                                SODIUM IN EFFERVESCENT PRODUCTS
                     SolpaOne® contains 1000mg of paracetamol in each effervescent   Effervescent or soluble products are generally higher in sodium.
                     tablet, so customers must only take ONE TABLET AT A TIME    SolpaOne® is a sodium conscious, single tablet dose, containing
                     (every 4–6 hours) and up to a MAXIMUM of FOUR TABLETS A DAY   534mg (26.68% RDI) sodium per tablet and therefore maybe more
                    (24 hours). This is an important reminder as customers are often   suitable for customers on a low sodium diet.
                    used to taking 2x 500mg paracetamol tablets at a time.
                                                                   ONLY FROM
                 *Based on absorption data      **1 tablet = 1 dose (take only one tablet at a time)      n surveys of the general adult population, the proportion (without dysphagia) reporting some degree of difficulty swallowing solid oral dosage forms is typically around 15–20%,
                    with numbers ranging from 6% through to 50%. 2         ‡ New brand
                  1. NHS: Paracetamol for adults. Available at: Accessed November 2023.  2. Radhakrishnan C et al. A Difficult pill to swallow: An investigation of the factors associated with medication swallowing difficulties.
                 Patient preference and adherence. 2021:29-40.  3. NICE: Analgesia – mild-to-moderate pain. Available at: Accessed November 2023.  4. NICE: Paracetamol. Available at:
                 paracetamol.html Accessed November 2023.
                                                                 Case   Buying     POR
                                        Product              Size  Size  Price/Single   RRP  %  Pip Code
                                          SolpaOne Soluble tablets  12  40  £3.06  £5.19  29%  419-3819

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