Page 10 - P4403.14_V87_YOUROTC_Book DECEMBER_2023 NI PRINT Final 23
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Keep your winter essentials stock levels high, we've suggested
some products that we recommend throughout the winter months.
In this months member pack you will find window posters and
shelf talkers to help support your promotions
We have a range
support you this
We have a range of of products to
products to support
you this winter winter
Speak to our Pharmacy
team for advice.
Nexium Control 20mg contains esomeprazole. Aveeno. None
Medicine. E45,E45 Cream for dry skin. Always read the label.
Buscomint contains natural active ingredient Peppermint oil.
Always read the label/Ask the pharmacist for advice.
Speak to our Pharmacy team
for support and advice
Nexium Control 20mg contains esomeprazole. Aveeno. None Medicine. E45,E45 Cream for dry skin. Always read the label. Buscomint contains natural active ingredient Peppermint oil.
Always read the label/Ask the pharmacist for advice
Case Buying Trade POR
Product Size RRP Pip Code
Size Price/Single Offer % %
NEXIUM CONTROL 20MG CAP 14BTL 4EA-TY GB 14 4 £7.12 £13.29 14% 36% 404-9888
AVEENO Dermexa Daily Emollient Body Wash 300ml 300ml 6 £5.89 £10.15 16% 30% 406-6999
E45 CREAM TUB 350g 350g 6 £5.89 £10.67 19% 34% 279-9146
BUSCOMINT CAPS 24s 24 6 £3.95 £7.29 7% 35% 414-4697
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