Page 42 - P4403.14_V86_YOUROTC_Book NOVEMBER_2023_PRINT
P. 42
Soothes itching
Relieves discomfort
Calms inflammation
Up Off
To 26%
AnuSol Soothing Relief Suppositories, AnuSol Soothing Relief Ointment. Always
read the label. For the symptomatic relief of haemorrhoids and other ano-related
conditions. AnuSol Natural Cream is a cosmetic, non medicated product.
AnuSol natural cream.
Suitable during pregnancy
& breastfeeding.
Soothes irritation & itchy
skin around anal area
Helps bring comfort Buying Trade
Product Size Case Price/ RRP Offer POR Pip Code
Quickly absorbed & Single %
instantly cooling ANUSOL
Cream 23g 12 £2.47 £4.59 15% 35% 001-4878
Cream 43g 6 £3.81 £7.49 13% 39% 271-7981
Ointment 25g 12 £2.56 £4.69 13% 34% 001-4886
Suppositories 12 6 £2.30 £4.99 14% 45% 00-14894
Suppositories 24 6 £3.84 £7.99 14% 42% 03-32494
Soothing Relief
Ointment 15g 6 £3.20 £6.49 15% 41% 384-9783
Soothing Relief
Suppositories 12 6 £3.63 £7.49 14% 42% 385-0146
WIPES 30s 6 £2.23 £4.19 26% 36% 411-1498
NATURAL CREAM 30g 12 £3.17 £5.99 23% 36% 423-0348