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What is DSQS?

                       The Dispensary Services Quality Scheme (DSQS)
                       is an initiative aimed at elevating the quality of
                       services provided by dispensing GP dispensaries.
                       This scheme, designed to uphold excellence in
                       dispensary services, not only guides GP practices
                       to address key quality measures in their service
                       provision but, more importantly, contributes to the
                       overall well-being of patients; it needs to be given
                       the attention it deserves.
                       For you as a GP or manager, addressing the
                       requirements outlined in the DSQS will guide you
                       to ensuring quality of service. It is not just all about
                       the £2.58 per patient payment you will receive if
                       you are signed up to the scheme! Take some time to
                       understand how it is being handled in your practice.

                                                                        Understanding DSQS

                                                                        The Dispensary Services Quality Scheme
                                                                        is a structured program that sets out
                                                                        to assess and recognise the quality of
                                                                        services provided by dispensaries within
                                                                        GP practices under the GMS contract.
              Key Components of DSQS:                                   The DSQS establishes a set of standards
                                                                        and criteria to evaluate the performance
              1.  Accreditation Standards: DSQS outlines                of these services, promoting a culture of
                  specific standards that dispensaries                  continuous improvement.
                  must meet to achieve accreditation.
                  These standards cover a range of aspects,
                  including medication safety, patient
                  counselling, staff training, and overall
                  operational efficiency. By adhering to these
                  standards, dispensaries ensure a safe and         3.  Staff Training and Development: The scheme
                  effective environment for patients.                  places a strong emphasis on the ongoing
                                                                       training and development of dispensary
              2.  SOPS: DSQS requires you to have a
                  comprehensive set of standard operating              staff. This includes dispensers, technicians,
                  procedures (SOPs) which cover all the                and support staff. Continuous education
                  dispensing activities. This requirement is           ensures that professionals stay updated on
                  important and you should recognise that              the latest developments in pharmaceutical
                  when it comes to the usefulness of your              regulations and guidance, ultimately
                  SOPs. You must ensure that SOPs  are in              enhancing the quality of patient care.
                  place and reflect both good professional          4.  Patient Engagement and Counselling:
                  practice, as well as the procedures that             Effective communication between
                  are actually performed by the practice.              healthcare providers and patients is vital
                  SOPs should be followed routinely for all            for successful treatment outcomes. DSQS
                  dispensing related activities. SOPs should           encourages dispensaries to focus on
                  be specific to the practice and should set           patient counselling via Dispensary Review
                  out in writing what should be done, when,            of Use of Medicines (DRUM Reviews)
                  where and by whom. Standard operating                providing clear and understandable
                  procedures must be reviewed and                      information about medications, potential
                  updated at least once every 12 months                side effects, and proper usage. This
                  and whenever dispensing procedures                   emphasis on patient engagement fosters
                  are amended. A written audit trail of                a stronger bond between the dispensary
                  amendments should be maintained.                     staff and those seeking care.

               or call us on 01904 558 350                                                   DSQS | PS Magazine      5 5

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