Page 4 - November 2013 ST
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t’s been a wonderful summer - great progress sessions and lessons with students, problem-solving 

with my horses, teaching a little, ilming the to advance your knowledge, Q&As and plenty more!
Four Savvys and new Rider Biomechanics 

lessons with Colleen Kelly, working on my Summit and Reunions!

cookbook (Cooking Naturally!), reconnect- I had a lot of fun at the Summit, for several differ- 
ing with prot́ǵs, the 2013 Summit, and then ent reasons. First of all, I think it was one of the best 

traveling to Europe for both learning and coaching.
yet. There was such a great feeling in the air, super 

problem horse demos with Pat, Savvy Teams, and a 
The Four Savvys release & Inside Access for great Game of Contact makeover over the three days. 

Savvy Club
But especially fun for me was having my irst two 

After many weeks of intense ilming, especially for prot́ǵs back for a week. Lyndsey Fitch and Marion 
Pat, we launched the irst two of the Four Savvys at Oesch came in for the week to play, to ride, and to 

the Summit. This is very exciting for us, as over the perform. Along with Ryan and Mick, they were part 

years, our program has continued expanding, but of Colleen Kelly’s daily demos to inspire us all about 
there has never been one product that included ev- riding better. Lyndsey’s horse bruised her fetlock in 

erything in one place. Now there is! The Four Savvys the trailer and was out of action, so she rode Na’vi. 

bring together Pat’s genius in developing horses and Apart from a couple of challenging moments when 
humans through four levels of advancement in four the crowd went wild, Lyndsey and Na’vi did really 

different areas of ‘savvy’: On Line, Liberty, FreeStyle well in their irst performances as part of Colleen’s 

and Finesse. Not only do you have Pat’s informa- quadrille team.
tion, but you’ll also see him teaching lessons with My Game of Contact student and her horse 

students. There are pocket guides, troubleshooting, (Jennifer and Wolf) could not have been better. First 

Horsenality references with me, and much more.
of all, we were able to show how to use psychology to 
Already the rave reviews are in, and not just from get her horse to want to be in the arena and then to 

students new to Parelli. I’ve heard from Level 3 and calm down. Early on, I focused on helping Jennifer 

4 students - and even instructors - about how much become a better leader – focusing on her line of 
they love it. Our new Savvy Club DVDs, Parelli Inside direction, using reins without legs, and inding the 

Access, will now build on all of that, with special
right rhythm and tempo so her horse did not feel

4 | Savvy Times November 2013

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