Page 5 - November 2013 ST
P. 5

Cooking with Coco and Yvonne!

held back. On the irst day, my team helped me with little cutting, and some rather extravagant running 

an introductory demo – I rode Jazz to show how the and bucking. He was fantastic. I decided to show him 
Game of Contact evolves into the Scale of Training as at the Summit about a month prior, because he was 

a training guide, followed by the young horse (Lynz on a ride with us and kept coming over to me, as if 

riding Na’vi), and then Marion came in on Zen with to say “Pick me!” When I took a few minutes to play 
a fun demonstration of lying changes every three with him, his enthusiasm was huge and everything

strides. On Day 3 I brought Highland in to show how 

I would warm him up for a training session, and then 
to show Jennifer and everyone there what the next 

step would be.

I was so proud of Highland. Being left-brained, he 
was not bothered by the audience at all, but he really 

partnered up with me in the demonstration and 

even acted as my helping horse when I was showing 
Jennifer how to teach her horse to stretch down into 

the contact.

For the second year in a row, Dr. Patrick Handley 
joined me for a super fun Humanality session. It was 

a blast, and I think it got plenty of people interested 

in the course Patrick and I will be leading in February 
at the Floriday Campus!

But my real highlight was the mighty Remmer! 

We had a “Linda Land” Savvy Team to introduce my 
young horses – Highland, Na’vi and Jazz (the stand-in 

for Apollo, who was recovering from an abscess). 

Then there was a late-comer announced, and I ran in 
with Rem. He brought the house down! What a show With Luis Lucio, now the coach 

he put on at liberty: stick to me, passage, pedestal, a
of the Spanish Dressage Team! | 5

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