Page 14 - Final Proyect
P. 14

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan achieved a
                                                                                                       Japanese troops also invaded neutral Thailand and
   long series of military successes.
                                                                                                       pressured its leaders to declare war on the United
   Guam, Wake Island, and Hong Kong fell to the
                                                                                                       States and Great Britain. Only in mid-1942 were
   Japanese, followed in the first half of 1942 by the                                                 Australian and New Zealander forces in New Guinea

   Philippines, the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia),
                                                                                                       and British forces in India able to halt the Japanese
   Malaya, Singapore, and Burma.

                                                                                                                             Allied forces slowly gained naval and air
       The turning point in the Pacific war came with the American naval                                                    supremacy in the Pacific, and moved

         victory in the Battle of Midway                                  . The Japanese fleet                              methodically             from        island       to      island,
           sustained heavy losses and was turned back. In August 1942,                                                      conquering them and often sustaining

         American forces attacked the Japanese in the Solomon Islands,                                                      significant          casualties.          The        Japanese,

        forcing a costly withdrawal of Japanese forces from the island of                                                   however,           successfully          defended           their

                                 Guadalcanal in February 1943.
                                                                                                                            positions on the Chinese mainland until

                          , American forces
  began retaking the Philippines from                                    British forces recaptured Burma. In                                  Despite these casualties

  Japanese troops, who surrendered in                                    early 1945, American forces suffered                                 and suicidal Japanese air

  August 1945. That same year, the                                       heavy losses during the invasions of                                 attacks, known as Kamikaze
  United States Army Air Forces                                          Iwo Jima (February) and Okinawa

  launched a strategic bombing                                           (April), an island of strategic                                      attacks, American forces

  campaign against Japan.                                                importance off the coast of the                                      conquered Okinawa
                                                                         Japanese home islands.
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