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What happened before the second world war?

             AftermAth of World WAr I…

                                                          World War II is generally viewed as having its roots in the aftermath of World War
                                                            I, in which the German Empire under Wilhelm II, with its Central Powers, was
                                                              defeated, chiefly by the United Kingdom, France, and the United States.

                                                         The victors blamed Germany entirely for the war and all resulting damages; it was
                                                             Germany that effectively started the war with an attack on France through
                                                          Belgium. France had, in 1871, suffered a defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, and
                                                           demanded compensation for financial devastation during the First World War,
                                                         which ensured that the various peace treaties, specifically the Treaty of Versailles
                                                          would impose tough financial war reparations and restrictions on Germany in the
                                                                                       aftermath of World War I.
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