Page 3 - BAHAN AJAR recount
P. 3

A.  Tujuan Pembelajaran

                   Melalui Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan

                   model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning peserta didik diminta :

                       1.  Mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount dalam memberi dan meminta informasi

                           terkait peristiwa bersejarah
                       2.  Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan dari teks recount dalam memberi dan meminta

                           informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah
                       3.  Menulis draft teks recount tulis pendek dan sederhana

                        Materi Pembelajaran Reguler
                              A.  “RECOUNT TEKS”

                           1. Definition and Social Function
                           A recount is a piece of writing that tells events in a chronological sequence.That is mean,

                           the  events  that  are  notified  in  the  Recount  Text  occur  before  you  write  the  text.
                           Communicative  Purpose:  to  retell  something  happen  in  the  past;  to  reconstruct  past
                           experiences by retelling events in the order in which they have occurred.

                           2. Types of Recount Text
                           a. Personal Recount : tell about the author's personal experience
                           b. Factual Recount : presents a report of events that actually happened

                           c. Biographical Recount : tell a person's life story in the form of a biography
                           d.  Imaginative  Recount  :  presenting  imaginative  stories  based  on  events  that  have

                           3. Generic Structure of Recount Text Personal recount and Imaginative recount
                        Personal recount and Imaginative recount

                             Orientation = introduces who were involved in the story, when and where the story

                             Events = tell what happened in a chronological order.
                              Re-orientation  (optional)  =  provides  the  conclusion  of  the  experience;  writer‟s
                               comment about the experience.

                        Factual recounts and Biographical recount
                             Orientation  introduces  who  were  involved  in  the  story,  when  and  where  the  story

                             Events tell what happened in a chronological order. Examples of recount texts: incident
                               reports,  newspaper  reports,  police  reports,  articles,  letters,  journals,  historical
                               accounts, diary entries
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