Page 9 - BAHAN AJAR recount
P. 9

Task 2

               Write a draft of a recount text that you are going to develop into your writing below. Choose
               one historical story that interests you..

                 Components                    What you write write          write your draft here

                                               what happened?

                 Orientation                    who was involved?

                                                where did it happen?

                                                when did it happen?

                  Reorientation                Chronological series of events

                 Reorientation                 comments on the event

               Setelah menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut, coba susun jawaban-jawaban Kalian menjadi
               rangkaian kalimat yang utuh. Dari kalimat-kalimat utuh yang telah tersusun, coba satukan menjadi
               sebuah teks dengan menambahkan kata hubung antar kalimat
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