Page 165 - LNA Standards Manual 2019 Update
P. 165
Changing postures is physically energizing, mentally stimulating
on a stool or bench), reclining (lounge chairs) and moving (i.e.
Seating and worksurfaces are the key components to provide
Furniture that supports a variety of postures, encourages a full
range of healthy movement. A mixture of postures is the best
for all bodies. Postures include: sitting, standing, perching (as
beneficial postural options for all employees and tasks.
and helps people stay refreshed.
into their everyday activities Ease of adjustment helps people incorporate postural change The integration of ergonomic practices including careful selection of furnishing components and employee education has proven to reduce risk of injury in the workplace. Effective employee training is critical to insure seating, surfaces and ergonomic components are used correctly, effectively and
walking). frequently.