Page 214 - LNA Standards Manual 2019 Update
P. 214


                                         Evidence based research has shown that mimicking nature in the
                                                                Deeper shade of green. Spaces with more human engagement,
                                                supporting the human need to connect with the natural world.
                           “Biophilic design is nature based design. The ‘new green’, helping
                              companies achieve lasting sustainability, and a built environment
                                                    Nature based design has the potential to reduce stress and
                                     it”  (Herman Miller “The New Green Research Summary”, 2013)
                                 that uses less energy even as it energizes the humans that use
                                            built environments helps boost employee productivity by

                                                       improve attention and cognitive functioning

                                                            Restorative, regenerative effects
                                                                   understanding and capacity.   Open office landscape with multiple views, flow should be  balanced with areas providing refuge and privacy  Irregular patterns, similar to those found in nature (tree branches,  grass, water, etc. have fractural patterns are interesting and  Work is becoming more activity based. Need to have choices of  location, just like in nature. People are more engaged in  environments that offer a

                                                                          restful.   
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