Page 39 - ROTO Magazine Winter
P. 39
Rotary Magazine for District 1210
Rotary Youth Leadership Nominations
Award 2022 now open for
After two years of COVID Rotary Young
and isolation the leadership
course took place again. Citizen Awards
This year’s was different as If you know an outstanding,
the venue was Hebden Hey inspirational young person or
Scout Campsite (just outside group, under the age of 25,
Hebden Bridge) in West whose citizenship and dedication
to a good cause or project
There were not as many deserves recognition, why not
participants as hoped. The nominate them for a Rotary
capacity of the course is 32 Young Citizen Award 2023.
participants working in four
teams. This year’s course This is a great opportunity to
was run with just two teams. showcase positive young role
models who are making a
Although smaller, the course difference by helping others.
ran well and everyone
seemed to enjoy the week. The Awards include the Rotary
Young Citizen Environmentalist
As the course was held at a Award, reflecting Rotary’s Area
significant distance away of Focus, to recognise an
from the district, the “Talent individual or group who’s
Night” was changed to a passionate about protecting the
“Welcome Home” event.
Sponsoring Rotarians, environment.
parents and “rylarians” met There is also the Rotary Young
at the Ketley Community Citizen Peacemaker Award and
Centre in Telford where the Rotary Young Citizen
David Hyner gave an Sporting Hero Award.
inspirational presentation and participants on the course
performed their turns! The nomination deadline is
Tuesday 28th February 2023.
In 2023, the course will be held at the usual venue - the
International Scout Campsite and Outdoor Activity Centre at
Kibblestone Road, Oulton, Staffordshire.
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