Page 9 - E-book 2 final m.
P. 9

Delta Modern Language School
Grade 2
1st term 2024 - 2025

               Rule 1: Verb to be (am / is / are)

          Affirmative                    Examples

I am (‘m)               -I'm from Mexico.
He                      -He’s American.
She + is (‘s)           -She’s from Britain.
It                      -It’s a French perfume.
We + are (‘re)          -We're American.
They                    -They’re Egyptian.

            Negative                     Examples

I am not                -I am not from Poland.
She + is not (isn’t)    -He isn’t Turkish.
It                      -She isn’t French.
                        -It isn’t a Greek vase.
We + are not (aren’t)
They                    -We aren’t Spanish.
                        -They aren’t American.
Is + she……….?           - Is she/he American?
                         Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she isn't.
          it            -Is it a Spanish guitar?
                        Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
           they         - Are you from Greece?
Are + you……….?          Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
                        - Are they Turkish?
                        Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

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