Page 3 - Rotary 3201 GML February Editon 2022
P. 3

District Governor’s


                       District Governor

        My Dear Rotarians,                                    The  RMB  Fellowship  Chapter  of  Cochin  had
                                                              organized an International Convention of Rotarians in
        Warm Rotary Greetings!                                Business.  The Third Sub Chapter of the International
                                                              Fellowship  of  Rotarian  Musicians,  Kochi  Chapter
        I hope all of you and your loved ones are safe and    was inaugurated.  With  this our  district has the
        healthy. The month of January 2022 has been full of   highest  number  of subchapters in this Fellowship.
        news about the third wave of the COVID 19 pandemic    A subchapter  of  International  Fellowship of
        and Omicron the latest variant of the COVID Virus.    Motorcycling  Rotarians  was  also  inaugurated  in
        This has resulted in all our plans for the second half   Coimbatore. The Rotarians of our district have been
        of the Rotary year becoming haywire.                  very active in participating in these fellowships thus

        The first change has been that we have had to postpone   enhancing the Rotary Experience.
        our  District Conference  –  “Rotary  Utsav 2022”  to   The clubs have been keen in implementing the Seven
        the  7th  and  8th  of  May  2022.  There  have  been  all   wonders of Rotary by sponsoring new Rotaract Clubs,
        indications that the third wave of the pandemic is near   Interact Clubs and Rotary Community Corps in our
        the peak or that it has already peaked in most parts of   District.
        the country. Hence we should be able to safely have
        our District Conference with full attendance during   We have five more months of the current Rotary year
        the month of May 2022.                                for  all  the  Presidents and their  team to redouble
                                                              their  efforts  in  increasing  membership,  identifying
        The New Year 2022 - started with the Inauguration     and executing humanitarian projects and motivating
        of a Dialysis Project. I also inaugurated the “Meet &   members  to contribute  generously  to  the  Rotary
        Greet” functions of the next year’s team of our DGE   Foundation.
        Rtn. Rajmohan Nair at the 5 zones. I wish our DGE
        and the upcoming Officers of the Rotary Year 2022-    Let us together “Serve to Change Lives” to make “Our
        23 a very purposeful and service-oriented year.       Lovely Planet” even lovelier.

                                                              With regards,

                                                              Yours in Rotary,

                                                              Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan
                                                              District Governor  2021-22
                                                              R I District 3201

                                                                        OUR LOVELY PLANET     FEBRUARY 2022     3
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