Page 6 - Rotary GML_Mar_2022
P. 6


                                           ‘PEACE CYCLE RALLY’

        Inter District Friendship and Bonding was Celebrated with a Peace Cycle Rally between RID 3201 and RID 3203. The cycle rally with
        total of 17 Rotarians, with 10  Rotarians who started from Tirupur with a break at Gobi where 7 Rotarians from Coimbatore joined them.
        The Cycle Rally finished at Coimbatore after covering 130 Kms. DG Rajasekhar Srinivasan with his counterpart from RID 3203 DG
        Shanmughasundaram along with PDG Dr. Sagadhevan, PDG Sivashankar, DGN Sundaravadivelu  and  Dist Chair Inter District Friendship
        Exchange Gopalakrishnan received the heroes in style. The flame of Friendship and Peace was received by DG Rajasekhar from DG
        Shanmughasundram. Mr. Rajesh Govindrajulu, a eminent historian and author  set the tone of the meeting with his excellent talk on
        ‘Contentment and Peace’ with many historic examples.
        This fabulous linking between 11 Clubs of RID 3201 and 15 Clubs of RID 3203 was the result of the efforts of Rotary Coimbatore East
        President Dr Muthuswamy, Coimbatore Saicity President Gopinath Arunachalam , Rotary Tirupur Bharati President Rajalakshmi and
        excellent coordination by Coimbatore East Secretary Vijay Krishnan. Salute to the Rotarian Cyclists from Coimbatore – Jyothish Pillai,
        Karthikeyan, Sampathkumar, Chendilnathan, Prasanth Kumar and Kumaran and the entire team who worked for this fabulous program.

        6    OUR LOVELY PLANET    MARCH 2022
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