Page 3 - Rotary 3201 GML March 2022
P. 3

District Governor’s


                       District Governor

        My Dear Rotarians,                                    A new all  women Club  – “Rotary Club  of Cochin
                                                              Frontiers” sponsored  by Rotary Cochin Lords was
        Warm Rotary Greetings!                                inaugurated during this month. Rtn. Malini Jayaram
        The month of February started with the Inauguration   is installed as the Charter President along with  the
        of India’s First Transgender Rotary Community Corps   Office Bearers.  This is the fourth new club this year
        - “Thirunangai”, sponsored by the Rotary Coimbatore   and let  me  on  behalf  of  all  Rotarians welcome  the
        Aakruthi.  As the third wave of the COVID Pandemic    new Rotarians  to join us in our Service to Society.
        reached its peak and had just started to taper off,   The National Immunisation Day was on 27th February
        many programmes including the Official visits to the   2022 and all the Clubs enthusiastically participated
        clubs had to be  postponed. After nearly six months   by organising gift items, food and transport to their
        of hectic activity this lead to a period of slowdown.   adopted Vaccination Centres.
        We had only a few Official Visits this month, but with
        wonderful and impactful projects.                     Let us hope that the coming months will be free from
                                                              the spectre of COVID for us to resume our scheduled
        The  Official  Visits  to  RC  Tripunithura  Royale,  RC   programmes.  Our  Rotary Days of Service for the
        Coimbatore  Satellite,  RC  Coimbatore  and RC        upcoming month are much more  related to our
        Coimbatore Spectrum were very lively and enjoyable.   District Priority – Lovely Planet.
        I had a great time sharing a lot memorable moments
        with the Rotarians during the Project visits to witness   The District Conference Team is back in full steam to
        their  service  to  the  society.  I  am sure  the  coming   give you a fantastic District Conference on 7th and
        months will see a storm of service activities by the   8th of May 2022. Please register in large numbers to
        clubs after the enforced lull.                        make it a Memorable Event.

        We had two Webinars on “My Rotary” organised by       Let us together “Serve to Change Lives” to make “Our
        the Rotary Club of Coimbatore East, where there was   Lovely Planet” even lovelier.
        a lot of  interactions and new great ideas from the
        resource persons were shared with the club leaders.   With regards,

                                                              Yours in Rotary,

                                                              Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan
                                                              District Governor  2021-22
                                                              R I District 3201

                                                                           OUR LOVELY PLANET     MARCH 2022     3
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