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BIODEGRADABLE FLAMMABLE and 1,1,1-Trichloroethane. Class II ODCs are less
A substance that is capable of being broken Capable of catching fire easily and burning rapidly. harmful but still pose a threat. Currently listed as
down into harmless products by the action of living OSHA defines flammable liquids as having a Class II ODCs are HCFCs.
things. The rate at which compounds may be flashpoint below 100°F.
chemically broken down by bacteria and/or natural PH
environmental factors. FLASH POINT A scale ranging from 0 to 14 used to measure
The lowest temperature of a liquid or solid at which acidity and alkalinity. The lower the number the
CONSUMER PRODUCTS it gives off vapors that will ignite but not continue more acidic; the higher the number, the more
VOC REGULATIONS to burn when a small flame is periodically passed alkaline; 7 is neutral.
Several states have restrictions on the amount of over the surface.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) that can be PSI
present in consumer and institutional use products. GALLING Pound per Square Inch. A unit of pressure equal
VOC limits are set by product category. There are Destructive wear of a metal surface characterized to the pressure resulting from a force of 1 pound
a wide range of regulated categories including by large chunks of metal being removed. applied uniformly over an area of 1 square inch.
cleaners, degreasers, lubricants, adhesives,
sealants and automotive cleaners. KB VALUE SAE
The Kauri Butanol (KB) value is a measure of Society of Automotive Engineers.
DIELECTRIC STRENGTH the solvent power of a hydrocarbon liquid. Kauri
The minimum electrical gradient that a material gum is readily soluble in butanol but insoluble in SUBSTRATE
can withstand without decomposition usually hydrocarbons. The KB value is the measure of the The surface being cleaned; the substrate may be
specified in volts per millimeter of thickness. Also volume of solvent required to produce turbidity in metal, plastic, ceramic, etc.
known as the breakdown voltage. a standard solution containing kauri gum dissolved
in butanol. The higher the KB value, the more SURFACTANT
ELONGATION PERCENT powerful the solvent. A specialized molecule that connects water soluble
Directly related to Tensile Strength. Elongation is and water-insoluble groups.
the deformation that results from the application of NLGI GRADE
a tensile force and is calculated as the change in National Lubricating Grease Institute. A numerical TENSILE STRENGTH
length divided by the original length. scale for classifying the consistency of a particular The strength of different metals to support
grease. The most common consistency number is different loads (masses) before going through the
EMULSION #2. Softer grades, especially #0 and #1, are often point at which they change from being elastic to
A mixture of water-soluble and water-insoluble used for improved pumpability or low-temperature being plastic. The tensile strength test measures
groups held together by a surfactant. Emulsions service. High consistency numbers, #3 through #6 the elastic and plastic properties of metal.
are usually milky white. are used for certain high-speed bearings where
leakage and sealing are particular concerns. TIMKEN OK LOAD
EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE The highest load than can be applied without
As defined by the Consumer Products Safety NSF RATING abrasive wear to a rotating test cup containing a
Commission, a substance with a flashpoint at or National Sanitation Foundation Registration grease sample. The higher the OK number, the
below 20˚F as determined by Tagliabue Closed Cup Program for Proprietary Substances and Nonfood better protection a grease provides under severe
Tester. Or, for an aerosol, if the flame travels back Compounds. This program mirrors the prior service. The highest number typically given to any
to the actuator and the flashpoint is at or below USDA program. Product evaluation is based on sample is 80.
20°F. formulation and label review. Approved products
receive a Letter of Authorization and are included VISCOSITY
FALEX TEST on the NSF White Book List of Proprietary The resistance to flow or degree of thickening fluid.
Substances and Nonfood Compounds.
A method for determining the extreme pressure Flow requires stress; liquids such as additive-free
(EP) or anti-wear properties of oils and greases. lubricating oils are known as Newtonian fluids in
Vee blocks (with large “V-shaped notch) are placed NON-FERROUS that shear rate is proportional to the pressure or
on opposite sides of rotating steel shaft, and the Metals that contain no iron. stress applied. This proportion is the coefficient of
apparatus is immersed in the test lubricant. Load viscosity.
is automatically increased until seizure occurs. ODCs
Measurable wear scars are formed on the blocks.
Ozone Depleting Compounds. Substances that VOCS
FERROUS contribute to the deterioration of the ozone. There Volatile Organic Compounds. A class of chemicals
that contain carbon and have the potential to form
are two types of ODCs: Class I and Class II ozone
Metals related to or containing iron. depleters. Class I ODCs are the most harmful to ground-level ozone (smog). Many common items
the ozone. Currently listed as Class I ODCs are including gasoline, oil-based paints and alcohols
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon tetrachloride, produce VOCs.
Visit or call 800-556-5074 for more information.