Page 14 - 3M FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS (Full Line) 2020 32-PAGES
P. 14

Fire Barrier Specialty Products (cont.)

        3M  Fire Barrier Pillows
        3M  Fire Barrier Pillows are self-contained, highly-intumescent product designed to
        firestop a wide variety of through penetrations including cable trays, conduit and
        blank openings.
          • Firestop tested for up to 3 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479)*
          •  L-Rating (smoke seal) achievable when used in conjunction with
            3M  Fire Barrier Moldable Putty
          • Easy retrofit: remove and reuse
            pillows as needed
          • Graphite-free composition
          • Available in three sizes**
          • Easy to install, easy to inspect
          • No wire mesh required to secure in opening                                                FIRE BARRIER
          • Can be cut and retaped with box sealing
            tape for odd-sized gaps                                                                   UP 3 HOUR
          * Ratings achieved in openings up to 1024 sq. in. (6606 sq. cm).                             Fire Protection
        **  Any combination of pillow sizes can be used to firestop an
          opening provided the minimum compression requirements are met
          (minimum of 25% within the opening).

        3M  Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+
        Intumescent sheet used to firestop large openings. Seals penetrations against
        flame spread, smoke and toxic gases. This composite sheet has multiple
        applications, including blank openings, through penetrations of multiple cable, pipe
        ducts, bus ducts and cable trays. The fire-resistive intumescent sheet is bonded on
        one side to a layer of 28-gauge galvanized steel. The other side is reinforced with
        hexagonal shaped steel-wire mesh and covered with an aluminum foil scrim.
          • Firestop tested for up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479)
          •  Intumescent (expands with heat) to form a hard char that tightly seals
            penetrations against flame spread, smoke and toxic gases
          •  Multiple applications: through-penetration firestop,
            heat shield and firebreak protection
          • UL-classified: meets all code requirements
          • 100% solids
          • Lightweight: easy to
            handle, just cut and
            form to desired shape
          • Re-enterable for new or
            retrofit installations
          • Easy to fasten: bolt-punch
            or drill-through
          • No mixing or damming:
            installs easily with
            screws or anchor bolts
          • Versatile: can be cut to
            fit irregular shapes
          • Thermally conductive:
            allows unwanted
            heat buildup to escape                                                                    FIRE BARRIER
          • Easy to install using                                                                      UP
            common trade tools                                                                         TO 4 HOUR
                                                                                                       Fire Protection

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