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“As IMARK’s 2011 member of the year, Dickman Supply has a reputation and responsibility to partner with only the best suppliers in the industry.
In a three day window, we had our new Selecta inventory and display racks delivered and our old inventory picked up. We have found this process
to be indicative of Selecta’s business model.
The benefits of the smart jars are numerous, but the single biggest benefit to us is having our company logo on the
front of the jars. Additionally, as a testament to the popularity of the color coded, wide mouth jars, we constantly have
contractors come in and ask us for empty jars for other uses. We’re also eager to offer our customers the new QR codes
on our jars – an invaluable marketing tool!
These are the big reasons why our fastener business has more than doubled in a twelve month period!”
Jason Borchers, Purchasing
Dickman Supply
“Their conversion was very organized. New material was received one day and old material was returned the next. Crosses were
provided by Selecta and were accurate so we could load replacements in our system. The material was well marked not only with
part numbers but the jars were color coded by product type and easy to store. All jars were private labeled to help our customers
remember Van Meter for their future needs. Overall it was one of the smoother transitions in which I have been involved.”
Vic Slaymaker, Product Line Manager
Van Meter Industrial
“What impressed us the most was Selecta’s ability to label
it with the ‘VMI brand.’ I also like the color codes, which
makes a great solution to display the product in a practical
way. It looks good and is easy for our customers to select
their products.” Van Meter selected the co-label design
option with our ACORN logo at top.
Allen Bean, Regional Customer Service Manager
Van Meter Industrial
“Hearing things from our customers like the large mouth jars work great, or the color coded lids help us find what
we’re looking for faster is music to our ears. It’s also a plus that every time they pick up the jar, they see our name
and logo on it. With the same foot print on all of the jars it makes merchandising a breeze.”
David Dean, Inventory Control Manager
Broken Arrow Electric Supply
“After thirty plus years on the contractor side of the industry, the color coded jars from Selecta could not have made
my transition to the sales side of the industry any easier. When customers place orders by lid color, you know you’ve
hit one out of the park. I can’t wait to see what the next innovative product from Selecta will be.”
Pat Roderick, Counter Manager
Pi t d lf tt t ih t D id D Broken Arrow Electric Supply
Pictured left to right: David Dean,
Pat Roderick and Greg Laster of
Broken Arrow Electric Supply “The private labels have been a great marketing addition. It allows us to co-brand with Selecta and set us apart
from other distributors at no additional cost to us. I like the idea of our customers seeing the Broken Arrow Electric
Broken Arrow also selected the Supply logo all day! In addition, the color coded lids make product selection easy for our customers and our
co-label design option with our displays look great!“
ACORN logo at top.
Greg Laster, Director of Marketing
Broken Arrow Electric Supply
“As an Independent Electrical Distributor, I’ve found that
“ “As a past winner of TED Magazine’s Best
Selecta’s new color coded labels have accomplished several of the Best for Merchandising, Warshauer
things. In addition to keeping my name in front of our cus- Electric was thrilled when presented with the
tomers all day long, the product is easy to display and locate new color coded jars by Selecta featuring
by our customers. the Warshauer Electric corporate logo.
Our customers also love the way they store in their trucks and Jars with color coded labeling make it very
vans. As we all become more aware of our impact on the easy for us to merchandise, display and stack
environment, these jars can be reused for storage reducing in a neat and organized fashion, and our
waste and keeping our name in front of our customers for contractors love sturdy jars with screw on
even a longer period of time.“ lids which prevent loss and spillage.
John Hannah, Vice President Most of our contractors keep the jars after emptying and tend to reuse
Williams Wholesale Supply them to store other things – keeping our name in front of them for an
even longer period of time!“
Jim Warshauer, President
Warshauer Electric Supply
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