Page 20 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 20

recommends and encourages a hierarchy of interconnected open spaces that
                                                      Learning does not only happen in the classroom or within buildings. Outdoor
                                                            engagement. Kafadar Commons is the central and historic green space and
                                                               as development of campus has spread, great care has been taken to create
                                                                 a series of smaller multi-use open spaces across campus. The master plan
                                                         open spaces create places for casual or chance interaction and social

                                                                               The Mines campus is situated in a unique context at the foot of the Front  Range of the Rocky Mountains. The Mines campus must carefully coexist  with the natural environment and the university must be stewards for the land,

                                                   HIERARCHY OF OPEN SPACES  create places for students, faculty, and staff to interact.  SUSTAINABLE  energy, and water resources.

                                 PROPOSED MASTER PLAN

                                                               be optimized so that, rather than spreading out, campus can remain compact.
                                                         walkability. It’s an easy walk among all destinations and it has a very compact
                                              The Mines campus is and should remain a compact and comfortable campus.
                                                                    be used for buildings and open spaces. Parking on the edges limits vehicular
                                                            feel. The master plan recommends that campus land in the core of campus
                                                                                        While it may be necessary for some limited buildings to be taller due to site
                                                                                     has a characteristic scale of buildings that should generally be maintained.
                                                                  By limiting surface parking and creating structured parking, land can better
                                                                                  environment of buildings and open spaces will be vitally important. Mines
                                                      Perhaps the best attribute of the Mines campus is its small scale and
                                                                               As development continues on campus, preserving the human-scaled

                                                                                             constraints or use, the current scale of campus fits well with its community

                                           OPTIMIZE OUR LAND  COMPACT AND WALKABLE  conflicts and makes a comfortable walking environment.  Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

                          1.6                                               SCALE            and natural context.     14
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