Page 288 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 288

Building costs: foundation, substructure, superstructure, exterior closure,
                                                              roofing, interior construction, stairs, interior finishes, conveying systems,
                                                                plumbing, HVAC, fire protection, electrical, equipment, furnishings, site
                                             The master planning team process utilized the following assumptions. Total
                                                    Future Construction Costs, prepared at an order-of-magnitude and per-
                                                                       Site costs: demolition/site preparation, earthwork, hardscape, lawn,
                                                Project Cost is the sum of Future Construction Cost and Contingency.

                                                                          pedestrian lighting, site amenities, landscaping, utilities

                                                                   to 5-feet outside the building perimeter, demolition

                                                                                Soft Costs include fundraising/financing, design and programming,  and permits. The master planning team assumed Soft Costs to be 30  percent of Construction Costs (building + site).  Contingency: 5 percent of Future Construction Costs for new construction,  10 percent for renovation. The high contingency is appropriate because the  projects are not fully defined at the master plan-level.    Assumptions of

                                          COST ASSUMPTIONS       square-foot level.     —           —     —  Escalation: assumes 4 percent/year     —       project to understand current program needs.

                         PROJECT COST ESTIMATES

                                             appropriate for master planning and near-term project budgeting. The phasing
                                               of master plan projects was influenced by estimated project costs as projects

                                          The master planning team prepared order-of-magnitude project costs


                                                    were distributed to match the anticipated financial capacity of the University.

                                                      The specific costs for each project are listed on the next pages.  Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

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