Page 297 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 297

                                              The team of private consultants who developed and prepared the multiple

                                           MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT TEAM

                                                              er • Baucom Engineering & Consulting

                                                 Facilities Master Plan with the university.

                                                     SmithGroup  Anderson Mason Dale  Martin/Martin, Inc.

                                                              
                                                                          cer, Chief

                                               airs Dan Fox, Vice President of Student Life, Dean of Students Wendy Harrison, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer,  Steve Glueck, Community and Economic Development Director, City of   Kirsten Volpi, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Offi   cer, Administration and Operations Chris Cocallas, Executive Director, Capital Planning and Design, University

                                           STEERING COMMITTEE      Tom Boyd, Interim Provost, Academic Aff           Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering       Golden      Sevy Swift, Undergraduate Student, Student Trustee       Financial Offi       Architect
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