Page 42 - TheCoronationKingRamaX_e2
P. 42
Asura Wayuphak (Demon Who Consumes Wind) and
Asura Paksi (Bird-like Demon)
The figurehead of each barge features a bird-faced demon, carved and
gilded with mirrored glass decoration. The Asura Wayuphak figure has a
dark blue body with a purple coat. The Asura Paksi figure has a green body
wearing a coat with purple front and green back.
The two barges were originally built in the reign of His Majesty King Buddha
Yodfa Chulalok The Great. They were restored by the Fine Arts Department
and the Royal Thai Navy in 1965.
The length of Asura Wayuphak is 31 metres and the width at the beam is
2.03 metres. The depth of the hull is 62 centimetres. The length of Asura Paksi
is 31.16 metres and the width at the beam is 2.03 metres. The depth of the
hull is 61 centimetres. Both barges are manned by one officer, two steersmen,
40 oarsmen, one standard bearer, one signalman, two station markers and
ten drummers.