Page 36 - 2016-2017_Spotlight_flip
P. 36

Set your thermostat as high            If you use air conditioning,          Water heating accounts for
          as comfortably possible in the        turning on your ceiling fans will        about 18% of the energy
            summer. Keep your home             allow you to raise the thermostat       consumed in your home. Turn
         warmer while you’re away and             setting about 4°F without a         down the temperature of your
          lower the thermostat setting          noticeable reduction in comfort.     water heater to the warm setting
           to 76°F only when you’re at           You’ll save energy costs while       (120°F). You'll  save energy and
            home and need cooling.               the fan creates a cool breeze.         avoid scalding your hands.

            HINT: Using a programmable              HINT: Running a ceiling             HINT: The default temperature
            thermostat will help you save            fan will only cost you             setting for most water heaters
             10-30% on cooling costs!                  about $.02/hour!                  is set to 140°F. Check yours!

         If you’re looking for an educational activity that’s tailored to elementary
         students who love science, check out the Energy Express workshops. This
         summer, Energy Express will partner with the Montgomery Country Public
         Library and hold workshops in libraries throughout the county. During
         each workshop, kids will learn the basics of renewable (solar and wind)
         energy, and then they’ll build their own renewable energy-powered
         device – either a SunZoon Lite Solar Car or a Wind Generator II. Each
         Energy Express workshop is 60 minutes long and is led by staff from the Montgomery County Department of
         Environmental Protection. Registration is required and must be completed through the Public Libraries website.
         JUNE 2017
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