Page 21 - Chronological-Flash
P. 21


                                             Scchool Energyy and Recyccling Team

                         Unique SSituations – Unique Opportunnities – Unnique Soluutions

                                    Edison Hiigh School Goes Abbove and BBeyond

                     “CConstructionn Materials Recycling CCenter” Maade From 1000% Recycllable Items

                   Looking for fun aand creative wways to prommote recyclinng at your schhool? Look nno further thaan
                   what the students and staff arre doing at TThomas Edisoon High Schhool of Technnology. SERRT
                   Teamm Leader andd Network Opperations teaacher, Jesse MMcGee, has iinstalled an aatmosphere oof
                   teamwwork, accounntability, andd environmenntal stewardshhip throughoout the schooll.

                   Offerring unique ccourses from constructionn to cosmetollogy, Edison classrooms are filled witth
                   materrials not normmally found in a typicall MCPS schoool. Althouggh most of thhese materiaals
                   can’t be recycled in the paperr or comminggled bins, thee staff at Ediison has founnd other wayys
                   to reccycle or reusee them.

                   Particcipating in a program-widde recycling campaign, thhe Carpentryy class built aa Constructioon
                   Materrials Recycling Center (ppictured abovve). All other r constructionn programs aare responsiblle
                   for mmaintaining thhe center andd placing maaterials in thee correct areaa for removaal by SERT tto
                   the  MMontgomery  County Reccycling Center. Also, thee Auto  Techh program iss recycling  aall
                   tires, oil, car batteeries, and all other parts aare either reussed or sent bback to the mmanufacturer tto
                   be reffurbished. Caafé Edison reecycles all of their cookiing oil, whilee the folks inn the Networrk
                   Operaations prograam are eCycling (recyclinng electronicss) and refurbishing used ccomputers.

                   The SSERT prograam staff wouuld like to exttend a sincerre “thank youu” to all stafff and studennts
                   at Thhomas Edisoon High Schhool who  aare implemennting a  cultture of conservation annd
                   recyccling responsiibly and creaatively.

                   Do yoou have a “SEERT Flash” yyou would likke to share aboout your SERRT efforts?  PPlease submit a
                   photoograph and paaragraph abouut your team aand you too caan be featuredd in a future FFLASH!
                   SERTT Program- 2440-314-1090

                                                                       “It’s your wworld…choosse to conservee”
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