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                                      School Energy and Recycling Team

                                      Earth Day Is Every Day


                                                  arth day is April 22, and it was founded by Senator Gaylor Nelson
       MCPS SERT Program                          in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well
       Dept. of Facilities Management             as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water,
       45 W. Gude Drive
                                       and soil pollution. Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for
       Suite 4000
                                       the earth’s environment. People usually celebrate Earth Day with outdoor
       Rockville, MD 20850
                                       performances, and acts of service to promote the wealth of our planet, Earth.
                                       The ways of observing Earth Day include planting trees, picking up roadside
       301-279-3005, fax
                                       trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, and using
                                       recyclable container for snacks and lunches. Earth Day is now celebrated
                                       every year by more than a billion people in 180 nations around the world.
       March 2014
                                       “  Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your

                                       children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children. ”

                                       Ancient Kenyan Proverb
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