Page 43 - Chronological-Flash
P. 43


                                      School Energy and Recycling Team

                                       Conserving Electricity at MCPS is Extremely Important!

                                         Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) purchases its electricity from different sources.

                                               *            *             *             *           *           *

                                       32%                      29%                   22%             11%      4% 2%

                                                          MCPS used over
                                                            235 Million            20,000 MD homes
                                                       Kilo-Watt-Hours (kWh)      would use in a year**
                                                        of Electricity in 2014


                                                     CPS uses over 235 million kWh
       MCPS SERT Program                                                             On average MCPS uses its electricity
       Dept. of Facilities Management                of electricity to light its 8100+
       45 W. Gude Drive                              classrooms, operate its              in the following ways***
       Suite 4000                      45,000+ computers, and heat and cool its
       Rockville, MD 20850             203 schools.  We buy our electricity from
                                       renewable and non-renewable  sources.
       301-279-3005, fax
                                       When we reduce electricity usage, we reduce
                                       the operating expenses. We also save natural
                                       resources and reduce pollution.
       February, 2015
                                       Contact to learn how you
                                       can make a difference.

                                       *  Supply averages vary slightly depending on energy market
                                       **   Based on data from
                                       *** Usage data may vary depend on weather and other
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