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This method enables
humanitarian aid and development organisations to look
beyond funding strategies and find new solutions and business models to tackle those challenges that cannot be solved in isolation but require refreshing partnerships to co-create sustainable impact. Here the principles of Open Innovation come into play.
Go out in the world and FIND your co- creation partners:
1 Attract new and relevant potential innovation partners by communicating about your challenge
2 Establish a fit-for-purpose, fair and structured intake process for potential partners
3 Explore partnerships in a practical solution-focused way before investing serious effort
4 Create short-term commitment and clarity on testing (parts of) your solution and partnership
Read how finding 2 partners has helped Human Aid Now
in establishing an 3
  actionable roadmap for their vision of an educational platform
In the GET stage, DCHI’s
innovation methodology frames the discussion and, most
importantly, the action needed for the potential of innovation in humanitarian projects. Using the Open Innovation and Design Thinking guidelines, our accelerator programmes are lauded specifically for their innovative
quality, their potential impact and sustainability, their consortium, and the considerations given to project management.
Come together with your co-creators and GET your plan ready for impact and GET into action:
1 Establish first ownership and impact by translating aspiration into action collaboratively
Test a piece of your draft solution on the ground with users to improve your impact and business case Improve your opportunity for funding/resources by achieving and showing first proof of impact
4 Strengthen and validate your partnership(s) in an agile way
Read how DCHI’s facilitation of the 2019 Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund came
to a close in the GET stage, leading to a final, full proposal stage when 5 proposals were chosen as the granted pilots.
Humanitarian Impact Re-imagined

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