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Are you ready to accelerate for impact?
We want to offer you a peek into some of our favourite tools from the accelerator programme. Get your team together and have a go at upgrading your innovation skills.
How might we
Creating a Clear Question with a Clear Focus
A good call to action always includes
a clear question. A great call to action also incorporates a clearly defined focus. WANT is all about crafting that perfect question that really grasps your challenge with a clear role for potential co-creators. Try out on of our favourite tools to not only brainstorm your ‘how might we’ question, but also to funnel down your priorities. Build your ‘how might we’ question starting with the action you want to achieve, the subject to be influenced or affected, and your preferred outcome. How might we:
DCHI Simulation
Believing in a Coalition of Strangers Working with new partners can be very valuable, but oftentimes people do not anticipate how easy it is to make the wrong assumptions about someone’s stake and needs. This stage is all
about FINDing the right co-creator with values and needs that align or complement your organisation and your innovation project. Role-play your way through our simulation
board game! Our game is designed
to get you away from your computer, and into a fun and energising setting with your colleagues, or your new co-creator. Actively encourage your team to empathise with the needs and interests of other stakeholders by using assigned roles to come up with innovations when faced with a fictional humanitarian scenario. Play the game with your organisation now!
Mountain of Tomorrow
GET Ready for Your Journey to Impact At this stage, you have done all the brainstorming, you have put yourself out there, campaigned your call to action across your network and found the right partner/ co-creator. Now you have got to make an actionable plan! It is great to keep the first stages of your user tests and innovation project small and manageable. That way progress can be made in small steps, and it will prevent these stages from taking too long.
However, it is always good to
be prepared for the road ahead!
Using World Startup’s Mountain of Tomorrow, you can use this tool to always check how you have started your innovation journey, what you still need, and where you are heading. This is your chance to truly outline your roadmap to success. Try it out now!
Humanitarian Impact Re-imagined