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                       Mark Florimonte | Executive chef

             Hello again, part Deux. I am so excited to be back at Kingsmill
             Resort, it’s been a long 8 years since my last stint. Last time was a
             very exciting time, we opened the JLG, and The River Pool area
             almost at the exact same time. This time I am full of energy and
             fresh ideas to help add to fun and great experiences for our
             members and guests. I love FOOD and building GREAT teams!
             This is the best time of year to be a foodie, the gardens are coming
             alive with fresh fruits and vegetables, giving us the ability to create
             amazing fresh summer refreshing dishes. Besides golf and
             running, gardening is one of my favorite hobbies, not only for the
             fresh vegetables but to also help me relax and clear my mind. My
             garden is about halfway there, but it is already producing
             tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and bell peppers. It’s amazing that I
             am reaping my rewards already and we are just going into July.
             With tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and basil ready to pick, lets
             make Gazpacho. It’s a great refreshing dish that does not require
             you to turn your oven on and heat up the house.

                2 lbs Roma tomatoes
                1 large cucumber, peeled and seeded
                1 medium green pepper, seeded
                1 ounce fresh basil, (roughly 8 large leaves)
                1 ounce fresh cilantro, (roughly ¼ of a bunch)
                3 garlic cloves
                1 cup V-8 juice
                1 tablespoon cracked black pepper
                1 Tablespoon Kosher salt
                1 slice of bread
                EVOO to taste

             Dice all the vegetables and spread out on a tray and season with
             salt and pepper. I like to let it sit at room temperature for 2-3 hours
             so that all the natural sugars have an opportunity to rise to the
             Soak the bread in the V-8 juice until it is completely soft, the acts
             like a binder and will give your gazpacho a creamy texture.
             Add all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend to
             the consistency that you desire. Some like a completely smooth
             texture, I prefer slightly chunkier, having more texture and
             somewhat more of a bite.
             Chill it very well, I prefer to eat gazpacho the next day, this allows
             all the flavor to come together and meld.
             Spoon into a martini glass, (love the presentation), and drizzle the
             olive oil on top. I suggest making a crostini with pesto and serve
             together. Makes approximately two quarts.

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